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  • Handel's Messiah -- my first VSL project

    Well, I've got my first VSL project assigned to me, and it is Handel's Messiah, Part One plus the Hallelujah Chorus. I've got a bit of time: it's not due until the thrid week of November. However, as this is my first foray into the abyss, does anyone have any suggestions for how to best attack this one? Any suggestions will be welcome, tho I am hoping someone will have some specific thoughts re: articulation templates, etc. If it matters, I a driving (or, rather it's driving me) a Mac G5 2.5 with 4.5GB using Digital Performer and Konakt 2 (the sample player being something with which I have about a week's experient with).
    Anything to help quicken the learning curve!


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    @Lake said:

    Well, I've got my first VSL project assigned to me, and it is Handel's Messiah, Part One plus the Hallelujah Chorus. I've got a bit of time: it's not due until the thrid week of November. However, as this is my first foray into the abyss, does anyone have any suggestions for how to best attack this one? Any suggestions will be welcome, tho I am hoping someone will have some specific thoughts re: articulation templates, etc. Thanks! David

    Hi David
    I don't know if you are familiar with the baroque style. If not - here you have a link to update your knowledge.
    Use google for getting more information about the baroque style. It is also important to play with corresponding samples - if it possible (chamberstrings for example). Further on you will need some samples which you can't get with VSL > Harpsichord or a Baroque Organ > It is for playing a correct basso continuo.
    Farther you can read here "How to play in baroque style" with VSL. You will get some usefull tipps (for example: Trills are beginning with the upper note > chamberstrings)
    And here you have the possibility to listen to baroque music played by VSL samples.
    or here
    Bach Arias Excerpts (wma-file)

    And... The third week ov November? Hurry 'up my dear.

    All the best
    Beat Kaufmann

    - Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra":
  • My advice....start 3 months ago! Good luck and enjoy.

  • Hi Beat and Raw:

    Thanks for the insights and suggestions. Also, sorry for my delayed response, but I was without power for almost a week due to Hurricane Wilma. Raw, now I REALLY wish I'd gotten the project earlier -- I've lost so much time due to the storm that I don't know HOW I'll get it done! Oh well, I guess that's the way it goes with these things! *chuckle*

    By the way, Beat: AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME tutorials. I think those will help even more than the wonderful links you provided above...

    I'll be sure to post the result once it's completed, tho I suspect I'll cheat and polish it a bit more after submission here just to get it more up to par with the excellence I've heard on this site from many of the submissions I've heard...

  • PaulP Paul moved this topic from Orchestration & Composition on