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  • ideas for a fugue mockup using VSL

    hi Herb

    I have mocked up a fugue using all the strings' Osus patches. but it doesn't sound convincing....then i switched all strings to Performance strings legato, even worse coz of no espressiveness.

    Can u give em some idea as to which sound I should be using for a more convincing sound?


  • Hello Soundepic,

    some suggestion:

    If there are mainly longer notes and slower movements, I would try to combine dynamic samples with the legato samples in a second work step.
    Especially starting end end notes needs the right phrasing.

    Generally mainvolume changes works very well for slow movements.
    Simply route your modwheel or any controller to midivolume.

    For faster movements it's important to get the right phrasing in using the right articulations. Not all notes are played legato. Mixing with detaches or even sustains with Release samples could help.
    For accents try to use sfz or fp.

    You can combine a certain starting note with following performance legato samples using the "Ghost" function key.
    You play your line, than you decide for example, that you want to start with a sfz. So you set the first note to "Ghost" in pressing the function key before the note starts and release it before the first note ends.
    Now you can use a different miditrack where you set the first starting note with any sound you like.

    Generally there are three parameters which help to bring music to live:

    "Agogic" = small tempo changes,
    Dynamic (movements),
    and articulation.

    best wishes