paynterr, let me step into this rant (at least it sounds to me like such)
as dietz already pointed out, there are unresolved issues regarding a performance tool as midi plugin. this is partly related to the functions of the performance tool and the need to interact with a GUI and manifests as synchronization problems between sequencer, perftool and sampler.
of course we are in touch with steinberg (as we are with developers of all supported and some unsupported platforms), but also we have to accept sometimes that there are things which cannot be resoved.
our successful and great collaboration with apple (formerly emagic) meanwhile lasts for many years and also there are still a few issues unresolved (which some of you may notice and some of you might not)
furthermore a performance tool based on VST midi would rely on audio applications, which support this interface (i'm maybe not up to date, but the list of compatible sequencer/sampler combinations is imo far from complete)
synful decided to choose another approach how to get realistic results, just as an example:
@Another User said:
Synful Orchestra does not currently support string sections or sections in general in an easy or natural way
- so only this statement shows, we all are far from a *one shoe fits all* solution.
you are right if you mention, that the performance tool is just a simple midi processor. there are lots of others out there and certain users (and even developers) have already tried to re-engeneer the performance tool with one or another script engine, you are welcome to join them ...
ps: believe us, we do our best to make your life as easy as possible ...