While updating my orchestral template, I had to sigh again at the lack of a consistent way of having extended techniques in solo instruments.
There is only a single extensive library of orchestral instruments that tries to supply several extended techniques sampled in a musical way (that is, not with the attitude of an archivist). Unfortunately, the library is very incoherent, ending up in a very lacking collection that is very hard to use, and can't offer a complete set of reliable tools.
Add to this that the comparison with the VSL sounds shows how much better the sampling could have been, despite the commendable high quality for a single-person enterprise.
I would very like love if VSL would add some "colors" collections containing additional extended techniques for solo instruments. Maybe in the spare time between the development of Trinity Strings (adding Herb's living room for the first chairs) and Quadrivium Strings (adding to these an ensemble recorded at the Konzerthaus, for morphing between a classical hall and a recording stage)…