I have a Mac (sonoma/Logic) host connecting to a Windows 11 slave running VEP7. All my VEP7 instruments on the Mac are AU3.
Everything will be working fine at night and then when I come back in the morning I discover only some of the connections still work functionally (i.e. keypress gets me a sound), but many don't. And despite this, all the VEP instances show connected on both sides, but when I try to disconnect (and I see it disconnect on the slave side) and reconnect, there are no server instances shown to connect to on the AU3 side.
Both computers have static IPs assigned.
Seems like the only workaround is a full restart.
Suffice to say this is incredibly frustrating. I expected after doing a major upgrade to my studio that everything would be more streamlined and faster and this appears to be a massive flaw in the implementation.