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  • Calculator for Channel Delay Runtime (try it out)

    Hello Synchron Player fanatics.

    I coded a web based calculator for Synchron Player's Channel Delay setting. The Delay feature in Synchron Player is fun to use. For those that don't know, the Delay feature adds delay to the signal in milliseconds. My calculator works by measuring the speed of sound relative to the stage position of an instrument or section.

    Currently, the calculator is in a kind of "beta" period. Before I finalize it I'd like some feedback from users. How useful is it? What features would you like to see added? What should I change? Comments, suggestions, etc. I may make in iOS version, but this in unlikely unless there is a demand, (in other words probably not).

    The calculator is halfway down the page below the Harmonic Series calculator, and the waveform generator. Instructions are on the webpage.

    The instructions are simple: (note: only two things affect the speed of sound; temperature and medium. We are assuming air as the medium, so only room temperature needs to be considered. I could just make the default 75º, which I might, but I thought it would be fun to include the option to change the temperature.

    1. Enter the room temperature. (Try 75 degrees F).
    2. Choose the instrument or section.
    3. Height of Decca tree. (5 to 8 meters is fine).
    4. Horizontal position on stage. There is a distance diagram image based off of the wide Synchron Stage. Sections to the left of center, from the conductors perspective, use negative numbers in meters. For example, Horns are approximately - 5 meters, while Woodwinds are generally -1, 0, or 1, and cellos are 3 or 4 meters.
    5. Click Calculate Time to get your answer in milliseconds and enter the number into a Delay field.

    Here's a link to the calculator.

    Here's an image on the calculator.

    Regards, Steve Steele
  • Nice work, Just a question . The instruments in SY libraries are registered in the position they are sitting in a classical orchestra. Doesn’t that mean that the distances and associated delays for all microphones are an integrated part of the available instrument samples?