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  • Blüthner Piano Has Very Loud Noise On A3-Key


    so I got the Blüthner Piano Full Edition now for a month and it's a pleasure to play.
    Except for one key, which is the A3 note I believe.

    There's a very loud noise/ringing in the left speaker or left part of my phones, as can be heard in this recording.
    I've put an EQ here to check the frequency of this noise, at about 5k Hertz, and pushed it up to make you really aware of that noise, but of course it can be heard without the EQ as well.

    Please listen here or in the attachment below (first half is stereo, second mono, also in between I switch to the A an octave above and below for comparison, which don't have that noise):

    What I've tried to fix it (and didn't work):
    - tweaked about all settings incl. different mic positions in the Synchron Player, but it still occurs in all presets and settings, sometimes more, sometimes less
    - tried multiple audio interfaces (Babyface Pro, Audient iD24, Presonus), different PC setups and DAWs (Reaper, Cubase, FL Studio)
    - reinstalled the library

    It's a shame, since I love that piano and I still play it, but just this very certain noise or ringing at the A3 key (also little bit for G#3 and G3, but surely most at A3) messes with the experience and other than that beautiful sound.

    I've done some digging, but I haven't found any reports of a similar problem.
    Quick help would be much appreciated!

    Best regards,

  • Hi rententen, 

    Those are extreme EQ settings....

    I can't seem to reproduce this here, which preset and EQ settings did you use to capture these examples?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • last edited
    last edited

    Hey Paul,

    thanks for your reply.
    I will add three files to the attachment:

    1) the original recording, only processing done is to normalize it
    2) original recording + normalized + pretty much the same extreme EQ settings than in my first post (didn't save the reaper session) and
    3) a screenshot of the EQ settings

    If you need anything else, please let me know.
    I don't remember the Blüthner settings I recorded in, as this noise was audible in every preset and after tweaking any knob within the Synchron Player, but I can make a new recording in case you need to know.

    Thanks for looking into this,

  • Still the same noise issue.

    In the meantime I've installed the stereo library and tested there with same resulting noise on the same keys for all mix presets. 
    Maybe worth pointing out that the noise is probably the loudest or most audible for Intimate and Player presets.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

  • Hello rententen, 

    This is a piano from 1895... Anybody else having troubles with this specific sample?

    We see it as a part of the instrument... 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Maybe I'm not checking in the right spot, but I can't find anything "strange" on the A3 or A4 note. At least, not compared to the other notes, in particular in that same range (try F4, for example, if you want something odd).

    All considered, this piano is all so "strange" – and in a very good way! – that it would not be easy to find something that is so in a special way.


  • Is it across most of the velocity layers and is constant on that note in the headphones without the room monitors on? Could it be that when that key was struck/sampled, that it made a few extra aliquot strings "zing" more than usual? There a a lot of long-strung A notes on that Blüthner under a lot of tension and even a ton of overstringing felt past the bridge and under the strings next to the pinblock can't stop everything...

    And that's why I check every note before I take down or move any mics, because I don't want to have to resample the entire instrument.

  • Hello Paul,


    yes, I have the same problems. The noise is on A3 verry loud. It beginns on F# to Bb. I think this is not a part from the instrument and very disturbing. It destroys the whole piano sound. Sorry for my english, I'm not a native english speaker. Is there any statement from Vienna on the problem?






  • I wanted to love this piano, but had to return it due to the same issue. Quite unfortunate, since this noise sticks out really prominent in the forte range of an otherwise lovely instrument.

    I just couldn´t deal with it.