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  • Smart orchestra seems cpu intensive ?


    From the looks of it, the smart orchestra as a vst plugin in my composer is very CPU hungry though. ?

    Is the smart orchestra less cpu hungry in the vienna ensemble pro server ?

  • I can add 10 smart orchestra vst libraries  to the vienna ensemble pro server instance without audio problems 
    More gives audio drop outs for this computersystem on Windows with a modest CPU. 
    Not really much instruments for the smart orchestra  library and probably i can add more instruments with another library like epic orchestra 2.0 ? 
    As Vst in the composer program , local seems to be two the limit for the smart composer library , but that cannot be correct?
    Well try to figure out more.

  • I am having a similar problem with the Synchron Smart Orchestra CPU being very high for a Synchron library. I am very tired and I didn't notice your thread or I would have posted in this thread instead. I hope you can find a solution. Thanks for posting about this. Hopefully we can hear from others who have had this problem and solved it.

  • Hi, Its on my composerprogram that CPU is very High ( only 2 synchron players can be loaded) !

  • Hallo,

    das leigt an den Kompressoren in den vielen Spuren im Mixer.

    Schaltet man diese ab wird es deutlich besser.

    Gruß Ralf

  • Hallo, danke für den Tipp, die Kompressoren abzuschalten.

    Ich habe bereits bemerkt, dass die Kompressoren eingeschaltet waren, und wenn ich sie ausschalte, ändert sich dann immer noch die Klangqualität des Instruments?

    Der derzeitige Composer ist nicht wirklich für einfaches mischen geeignet, daher verwende ich Vienna ensemble pro für diese Aufgabe, was die Verwendung der Smart sync library im Composer program selbst zum Glück überflüssig macht.

    Ich denke, dass ich mit einem CPU-Upgrade noch viel gewinnen kann, um die Anzahl der Synchron-Sample-Player mit der Smart Orchestra Library in Vienna Ensemble Pro zu erhöhen und auch mehrere andere Sound-Libraries verwenden zu können. 

    Gruss Jan

  • @janamdo said:

    I can add 10 smart orchestra vst libraries to the vienna ensemble pro server instance without audio problems
    More gives audio drop outs for this computersystem on Windows with a modest CPU.
    Not really much instruments for the smart orchestra library and probably i can add more instruments with another library like epic orchestra 2.0 ?
    As Vst in the composer program , local seems to be two the limit for the smart composer library , but that cannot be correct?
    Well try to figure out more.

    The problem might be with certain programs. I am not sure. This is my first post about the subject:

    I am having problems with heavy Synchron Smart Orchestra CPU usage. The first instance that I added in a Studio One 5 template that I was trying to create immediately took up 40% of available CPU without any instruments being used. Just the Tutti and Solo velocity patch loaded. I loaded the standalone version to make sure it wasn't a Studio One problem and I got the same 40% CPU hit. I don't think the problem is the Synchron Player because other libraries (like all the saxophones or BBO Andromeda) have a very low CPU hit. I am wondering if there are effects or something that I should be disabling. I managed to load another three Synchron Smart Orchestra Instances and the CPU stayed at 40% but when I added a fifth it suddenly jumped up to 70%. I have never had this experience with another Synchron Player library. Any advice from fellow users would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    It is a bit better in VEP 7 than in Studio One but it is still much higher than any other Synchron Player library I own. I can add many instances of BBO Andromeda (for example) without the same problem. On VI Control I was advised (as seebaer advises in his post) to turn the compressors off and this does help. I have noticed that loading solo instrument patches only is not a problem. I believe that VSL are looking into it. Maybe there will be some kind of update. I really don't want to complain because Synchron Smart Orchestra sounds fantastic. How are you getting on with yours?

  • After installing the latest updates for VEP 7 and Synchron Player, I am able to use Synchron Smart Orchestra in VEP 7 with no CPU problems. There is still a problem with CPU spikes inside Studio One 5, so I just pipe Synchron Smart Orchestra into Studio One 5 using VEP 7. So I guess it is problem solved. I absolutely love the Synchron Smart Orchestra.

  • I guess it is not different from using the Serum synth, which can cause an even bigger CPU spike. But it is unusual for a Synchron Player library and if I load all patches separately, there is not much of a CPU hit. But I must stress, it is one of my favorite libraries from any developer.

  • If I load the individual patches of the Synchron Smart Orchestra, are they exactly the same as when I have loaded the full version of the Synchron Smart Orchestra? I think you are looking into the CPU issue. Are there any updates?