@Beat-Kaufmann said:
I don't own the harp library, but actually the same applies to all instruments if you want to make them louder.
The 3 most important possibilities:
1. increase the master fader slightly for a little more volume.
2. increase CC07. Please also check in the "Perform" window whether CC11 is trimmed high enough. If you do not control CC11 separately, you can set "127" there.
3. if none of the above helps, you can add a limiter effect to each of the active microphones in the MIX window under FX. We are not using the actual limiter, but only the ability to amplify the signal. Set a value between +6dB and perhaps +12dB under "Makup". You can also use any other plug-in that allows you to change the pure volume without the respective effect.
That should help.

Thank you Beat for your detailed response. I 100% follow you, and I understand exactly what you are saying. Your instructions a good quick fix for the issue. I guess going back to the original question, I am still unsure as to why "all of the sudden" is the hap extremely quiet after the update? I purchased the Synchron Harp when it first came out, and even then, yes it was more quiet then most other Synchron/synchron-ized instruments; understandably because the harp in general is a softer instrument then most other orchestral instruments. However I did notice since the 1.3.471 update, the instrument is almost completely inaudible, even when playing solo. I find this to be true in the stand alone harp player, when ran through a DAW (Logic Pro), and Dorico. Even when following your suggestion (and maxing out the volume) it is still incredibly quiet. And it is ONLY the Synchron Harp that I find has this issue.
For background, I have every single Vienna Instrument, All Synchron-ized instruments, and all Synchron instruments (expect one Piano). The original Vienna Harp's (played through VI PRO) and the Synchron-ized harps are substantially louder then the actual "Synchron Harp". I find that so odd since the Synchron Harp is the newest and in a way, the current "flagship" harp. I only use VSL instruments so the issue isn't VSL Synchron harp being played against other 3rd part instruments that are much louder naturally.
I feel as though ether I am doing something wrong/not understanding something, or something is wrong with the player itself (since it seemed to be a bit louder prior to the update.
None of what I am saying is by any means meant to come across as complaining or a slam on you or VSL. I am genuinely trying to understand.