@Cyril-Blanc said:
Hi John,
What is the reference of your Genelec speakers ?
@johngildersleeve_16932 said:
Hi Cyril, happy to reply to one of your posts with my experience as I've enjoyed your posts historically. I had a pair of powered HHB circle 5s ( no longer available )which were great, transparent, 1st class stereo imaging or I thought... until I invested in a pair of Genelecs with subwoofer. You can run them digitally ( though not all, so beware ) At first I had the wrong lead so ran them analogue. However now I'm up and running digitally it is noticeably cleaner / clearer. The GLM ( room calibration ) is extra but shifts things up another couple of levels. Really easy to do and set up multiple listening positions which I've done. eg . Sofa at the back.
Very happy with the Genelecs. A major improvement to my musical environment. Worth an audition. John
I have a pair of 8330A + 7350A Subwoofer and the GLM Interface & Software. I did demo the 8341s with 7360 Sub - which gave a much broader sound, but the 8330s fitted budget. John