Hi Folks..
I am working with Vienna Synphonics Librarys. Vienna Ensemble Pro 6 and maybe 7 in Future), Vienna Synchron Player (SY Strings (all of them) and SY Brass a.s.o).
I am used a Windows7 j7 with RME UFx and some Multifaces as Expansions over Adat.
-In Cubase i was able to Play my VSL Samples (edited SY Elite Strings Tutti Patch "Perf Legato agil all" "Vib XF" (and some VSTs) with only one the of the recordet Mics, at 96 Samples/Buffer S/B.
-In Standalone Mode i could reach 64 S/B. without any Drpouts and crackles.
Now i get a new System with a j9 14000 64GB Ram and MM(..) Drives with seperate Locations of Project Files and Sample-Librarys. Windows 11. Assambled and tested by Audionetworx (DE). They say they would specialices for VSLs.
Note: I play very fast Lines, sometimes for testing with some Octaves in the Bass Region. I know thats it maybe the hardest Task one can do for a PC. But the differnece between playing the Staccatos at 96S/B or at 32S/B is imense. At least for my Play-Feeling
On this new PC:
-In Cubase i was able to Play my VSL Samples (edited SY Elite Strings Tutti Patch "Perf Legato agil all" "Vib XF" (and some VSTs) with only one the of the recordet Mics, at 96 Samples/Buffer S/B. But with some little Dropout/Crackles
-In Standalone Mode i could reach 32 S/B. without any Drpouts and crackles.
I expected a bigger Performance Increase on the new PC.
Maybe i could play this Patch above with at least 64S/B, or even 32S/B..??
Is this this with a modern PC still not possibel??
Can someone talk about this kind of Experiences?
Thanks a lot