I am working on a project that requires the sound of more than one trumpet player per part - similar to a concert band or symphonic band. As an example, I would need three players on trumpet 1, three players on trumpet 2 and three players on trumpet 3. Using Synchron Brass, my plan is to use the following:
First trumpet part:
Player 1
Player 2
Player 1 or 2 again but somehow varied, or slightly detuned)
And the I would do exactly the same for the second and third trumpet parts as well. Total of 9 players - three on each of the three parts. I would play in each part separately to add to the humanization of three players playing the same part - rather than copy and pasting.
I realize that Player 1 and Player 2 are two entirely different players and sample sets, and will work beautifully as two trumpets playing in unison. My question is, what should I do to the second instance of Trumpet 1 or Trumpet 2 (whichever one I decide to double) to keep from phasing, or having the identical tone layered on the same notes? Should I change the master tuning to a few cents sharp or flat to offset on the second instance? Are there an other things I can do to help create a truly different sound for the "third" player on the part, even thought it will be either player 1 or 2 again?
I know synchron brass has a four trumpet and six trumpet preset, and they are great for certain instances, but for this particular application, I really need the sound of three (different) players on a part and just want to make sure I am doing everything I can to offset the sound enough when I double either synchrony player 1 or player 2 to create player 3.
Thank you for any advice you may have.