@eakwarren said:
Congrats @Paulon the new forum! Is there a way to mark a forum/forums as read? Ideally on the Latest Posts page, would be great to have a Mark Site Read button so when I return to Latest Posts it only shows posts since my last visit. Possible? 🙂
There is an "Unread Topics" area, seems I forgot to add it to the side-menu, sorry. I'll do so as soon as possible.
On top of each category you can choose between Watching, Not Watching (default setting), and Ignoring. This way you can control what you will see in Latest Posts and Unread Topics.
Additionally, you can Watch/Unwatch each topic, so you get notifications in the Notification area as soon as new posts are made in the watched topic. Topics on which you post should be automatically set to Watch, so you will know as soon as someone replied to it.
Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist