This is constant bugging me. I have a PC server with a heavy set-up. When I launch the VEPro plug-in in any of my DAWs (DP11, Cubase Logic or S1) none are showing up. Then I can go to my PC uncheck/check the "Advertise on local network" and for some time I can see the instances again. Next time the whole mess starts again.
I've been dealing with this issue for 3 months now. And the exact same thing for me is true - Ad on local net - fixes the issue temprorarily and aprox 5 mins later the list is blank.
Mac DAW machine doesn't see Windows VEPro machine in the VEPro plugin window after a while and I have to type in the IP. Connection at project load is fine.
Specifics of my setup:
MacOS 13.3.1 Nuendo 12 VEPro VST3
Windows 11 VEPro 7.2.1516
Fixed IP on secondary network without DHCP, exclusively for VEPro traffic. Single Cat6 ethernet cable from Mac to PC ethernet port, no router, no switch.
On the Mac I have another ethernet port for internet enabled. On the PC I have another ethernet port for internet which I turn off when not needed and keep all network traffic exclusively for VEPro on the PC.
Does everyone still seeing this behavior work with a Mac + PC Server setup?
Please try the following:
1) On MAC:
- Open "Activity Monitor" - Find the process: mDNSResponder - Double click > Quit > Force Quit that process (it will restart immediately)
2) Afterwards on MAC & WIN:
Re-start both DAW/SERVER machines (resetting Bonjour) to see if your instances show up again. What would also help to know: Does the issue come back at a certain point?
I have tested your suggestion. My Mac Pro server is showing but not the PC server. Now the PC server doesn't show up even if I un tick/tick the option in the preferences.
This is constant bugging me. I have a PC server with a heavy set-up. When I launch the VEPro plug-in in any of my DAWs (DP11, Cubase Logic or S1) none are showing up. Then I can go to my PC uncheck/check the "Advertise on local network" and for some time I can see the instances again. Next time the whole mess starts again.
What can be done?
I guess my problem is similar. Since a few weeks (maybe the last update?) when using VEPro the instances on the plugin disappear after some time though the server is running normally and shows all instances (server and DAW is on the same device). The only way to make it reappear is to shut down the server completely and to start it again. This takes a lot of time and is quite annoying. It's definitely not with the DAW since I changed it two weeks ago and I have the problem with both. I am using Windows 10 and Cubase 12 pro. Is this a general bug? Before it worked without problems. What could I do?
I have the same problem today when I relaunched the machines and the server. Yesterday when I was testing the server it worked smoothly. But today it dosent work. When I connect my ethernet cable and open Logic with a Vepro plugin it displays the correct IP adress and name of the slave followed by «new» as an indicator that the server software is running and ready to go. The connection works as it should, because when I close the server it disappears from the plugin while it reappears when I open the server again. When I click on the + button to open an empty instance, the plugin reacts by refreshing the information, but no matter what I do it still refuses to display the corresponding information. When I push connect I get a message saying it failed to connect without any reason why. Again, when I tried it yesterday it worked fine, but now it won’t work, and so far I’ve tried restarting everything, checking for updates, reinstalling software, reconnecting the ethernet cables, creating new IP adresses etc.
just for information: I have the same issue on a Windows 10 Version 22H2 fully patched computer with Vienna Ensemble Pro 7.2.1526 and Cubase 12.0.52. Only one machine.
Connecting to and the instance name works as workaround - thanks for the heads up
Thanks for the info. it seems the easiest way for me at this time is to just uncheck "Advertise on Network", close, reopen, the turn "Advertise on Network" again. Regarding that point, it would be a nice feature to have an apply button, so we wouldn't have to close out of the options screen, reopen and go through the process again.
This seems to happen on all computers for me, MAC ( and my two networked Windows machines. I also notice it happens when they have been sitting with VEP loaded for some time. It works fine for awhile. But if I leave the workstations alone with no activity then this happens.
Another thing that happens to me after there is no activity for a bit of time, is the connection seems to get lost on my networked computers. My DAW will freeze for maybe a minute or two then finally everything seems to "wake up".
Does everyone still seeing this behavior work with a Mac + PC Server setup?
Please try the following:
1) On MAC:
- Open "Activity Monitor" - Find the process: mDNSResponder - Double click > Quit > Force Quit that process (it will restart immediately)
2) Afterwards on MAC & WIN:
Re-start both DAW/SERVER machines (resetting Bonjour) to see if your instances show up again. What would also help to know: Does the issue come back at a certain point?
Best regards, Andreas
Hi Andreas -
Despite the above, this is still an issue here. Instances will show up for a time after a reboot of the machines, but after a time (I don't know how long - in the order of 30mins to an hour maybe?) when opening the plugin on DAW side the instances no longer appear and it's necessary to type in the IP.
I'm fixed IP here, both ends, dedicated ethernet adapter both ends, no DHCP, no switch, just a Cat6 cable between the two.