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  • Mir pro


    I try to open some Cubase 12 files, but when it opens Mir 3d , I am told to choose a venue,eventhough these venues were already chosen.

    Those files were easily openable some months ago.


  • Hi brunojul,

    sorry to hear you're facing problems. You are a little sparing with information, though. :-) Please let the Vienna Assistent create a system report and send it to,at, ideally including the Cubase project that gives you troubles (... you don't need to include audio files).

    BTW - I see that you're writing about "MIR Pro". You do know that MIR 3D is a different product which relies on its own RoomPacks, not the ones you used with MIR Pro, don't you? 

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Thank you Dietz.

    I use MirPro3D and I try to open files I did with MirPro3D some months ago. I'll contact the support.