Hi everybody,
@Kai: This workaround will always be possible with the free Vienna Ensemble that comes with all our products!
@Pere: We decided to make VI Pro the standard player for all users with iLok. It will stay that way, whether or not we manage to port VI Pro to Silicon or not.
@Sagi: You should try with your one-computer Studio Max, in my opinion. You can still use your classic MIR, but the upgrade to MIR Pro 3D is available at a great price, with a free 3D RoomPack and reasonable upgrade prices for your other RoomPacks as well. Check it out with free demo licenses, available on the product pages. Handling and sound has been improved with Higher Order Ambisonics, a "denser" calculation of impulses that are also applied when using downmixes to stereo.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support