I'd love to see how many people check this thread daily. I know I do.
VSL reeeeeally dropped the ball on taking this long. I keep hoping that Apple would completely discontinue intel just to force them to either deprecate Ensemble or to update it. I wish they'd make it a paid update and focus on it, even if it doesn't have Synchron player updated, so many of us rely on it.
Yeah it caught me off guard. The main thing with Apple Silicon is the GUI differences from Intel Mac and Windows, so I wrongly assumed that because VEP was a modern looking application that the GUI framework was portable to Apple Silicon in a timely manor. For instance Arturia upgraded their plug ins for VST3 and resizable GUIs previous to Apple Silicon being announced, so it was obvious they would be light years ahead of NI who had old GUIs and frameworks for them from in some cases 15 years ago according to their reps. That's not the case though, they obviously have some lower level stuff to deal with, like how NI waited so long they're dealing with VST3, Apple Silicon and resizable GUIs all at once.
Arturia and Audio Ease are the big ones on my list left now.