So here's round two.
I added some imaginary loudspeakers to the coefficients for two reasons:
- I read on the AllRADecoder website about using imaginary loudspeakers to create symmetrically balanced triangles, which must have something to do with the way ambisonics processing works. So anyway, I added a few for that purpose.
- I read something in there about needing an imaginary loudspeaker below ear level set to gain=0, for some reason that is not completely clear to me right now as to why that would be needed, but what the heck I added that one too.
I also managed to configure it to skip channel 4 (LFE)... I didn't mess around with changing any of the matrix faders, I just have each non-imaginary loudspeaker going to the relevant channel output, fader set to full on each one, until I hear otherwise.
The attached image shows the configuration... json is also attached.
Note I also added some imaginary loudspeakers at the sides, which may not have been necessary or desirable I'm not sure, but it had the effect of facing the side triangles slightly forward and back...dunno...just experimenting now..
Not sure what the "weights" parameter is for or if specifying the order as 1st, 2nd or 3rd makes any difference in this use case as I suspect not all of the JSON decoding configuration is being used by MP3D.