best regards to you to Thierry [:D]
I've just downloaded these .. will enjoy looking into them .
many thanks
I've just downloaded these .. will enjoy looking into them .
many thanks
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So, i have told this to vsl in 2006 and you didn't try to understand what i mean.
now i see that LASS audiobro have a super product with sample dispatched on the stage , and Symphobia have recorded with the stage position, so i thing you have lost yourself in details , and i wanted to help you , but you haven't ear me...
it is not just a picture it is my real config
So: i have 5 exs for v1:
v1-2= combi all (changed to midi channel and not keyswitches )
v1-4=free (for solist per expl)
v1-5=personnal expressif setting
each track have the output off and are send to many bus to dispatche the sound every where on the stage
Back: -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3=>Bus Back L, Back Center, Back Right
MBack: -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3=>Bus M Back L, MBack Center, MBack Right
Wind2 : -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3=>Bus W2 L,W2Center,W2 Right
Wind1 : -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3=>Bus W1 L, W1 Center, W1 Right
M Front: -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3=>Bus MF L, MF Center,MFRight
Front: -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3=>Bus F L, F Center, F Right
the v1 are send to Bus Front -3 -2 -1
The bus Front -3 -2 -1 are send to bus Front Left
The bus Front Left is send to Bus Front
And the Bus front is sent to the Groupe "STRING GROUP"
on each Bus -3-2-10+1+2+3 there is a altiverb with pan respect the -3 -2 -1 (just the position, tail & Earl Ref off and Direct=100% flat-Mix 100% wet.
-Each bus have the output connected to a other Bus=Front Left (no plug in)
-Front left is send to Main Front bus (no plug in)
-Main front bus is send to String group bus= Altiverb for all string (direct gain=on but vol=0, 100% IR, Early ref & tail=on)
So i can see the level= instrument track, front left, front, string.
When all the orchstra is playing, i can do a balance wiith left and right, Front, MF, ...
But in fact all of this is just to see the level not to MIX.
i have a bus with additionnal Reverb & i have a bus DRY
Each exs track is send to the bus "dry" and like this i can do th balance beetween the dry and the reverberated sound.
So if i change the level off the left front bus, i will destroy the balance because the sound off the Front bus will change but the level received on the dry and reverb bus will not.
So all this bus are just to see in every step where is the probleme when a sound is to strong;(when each string are received by 3 bus and the string group is saturated, is it from the V1,v2,alti,vc or cb ? i have just to have a look on the bus !)
So, to not change the balance sound, dry, reverb the only way is to change the level at the beginning= the track instrument. Like this, the proportion is respected, it will change the dry, the reverb and the send on each bus.
Attention surprise !
I have made a page whith aux tracks: v1,v2,alti ...all instrument .
The input of this aux track for v1 per exemple isn't the exs track (because there is 5 exs for v1) but simply the Front left Bus. The Aux have the output off.
So i have one aux v1 whose receive the bus Front Left and the sound is off.
What for ?
The sound i ear for v1 is the Front Left bus sound, but the aux is a command !
all v1 exs track is connected with aux v1 by a group connection.
So, when i change the level of the aux V1, all exs v1 track change !
on the same page, i have a aux of the bus FRONt,m Front, wind1&2, M Back, back, the stngs,winds,brass & percus group, the main output ;
All level on one page and all command for all instrument.
Other tips: grouped commande is to find quickly the level off instruments but it is differents of Autommation.
Each dispatche Midi v1,2,3,4,5 can be autommatized indivially but i have put a instrument connected of each track v1v,2,3,4,5 and like this, i can programm a group autommation.
When a autommation is programmed, each group command are dstroyed.
So i find a balance for each exs indivially and i can change the main exs level if i need;all the v1 are balanced, (v1-1,v1-2,v1-3,v1-4,v1-5)i can do the same for all the orchestra.
In the 2d step, i make a balance with group command beetween every instrument off a group (v1,v2,alti,vc,cb)and when i have find, i make a track for the Instrument MIX string and i programm the autommation(for each v1,v2... or for all the group in one step)
And like this i can do the autommation of : attack, level,exs main volume,control 11 or other instrument by instrument, or directly group by group respecting the main balance dry & reverberated sound.
I have on the picture put a other instrument connected to the 4 instrument group nammed orchestre bur it is wrong because all the message of orchstre go inside group instrument whose go inside each exs and there is to many message , the systeme will be blocked.
But this is not a probleme, for each group it is enought and to make a all orchestra crescendo, the main output fader is ok .
Regards [:D]