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  • MIR Pro 3D object height control

    Ok, I'm quite sure I'll be feeling very dumb very soon, but can someone explain how to adjust height using the mouse? My hands are instinctively reaching for a key modifier + mouse movement, but I cant find how its done??

  • Hi Rasmus,

    no need to feel dumb, really. You can't change the height (i.e. the value of the Z-axis) of a MIR Icon directly on the Venue Map - solely by entering the data in the Instrument Panel on the right. :-)

    This is a deliberate omission: It's no secret that all our impulse responses were recorded from the same distance from the floor (about 1.5 meters). We can easily "pan" the dry signal in a three-dimensional Ambisonics space, but the corresponding IRs are always decoded from the same underlying positional IRs. In other words: We "fake" the position for the wet signal by means of changing the decoder's geometry. It's an extremely clever fake, no doubt, but it ain't the real thing nonetheless. 8-) ... We decided to let the user change the X-axis only as a very conscious decision therefore.

    The same is true for the height of the virtual microphones, BTW. This parameter also makes clever use of the decoding possibilities of Ambisonics, but of course it doesn't "magically" invent new IRs captured from 5 or 10 meters above the floor.

     ... just to avoid misunderstandings: The height-information gathered from a virtual mic capsule pointing towards the ceiling is of course completely "real" as long as both the source's and the mic's position are kept at their original height. In the same manner, the source and microphone positions on balconies and the like were recorded from real, elevated Z-coordinates, of course, e.g. the so-called "Angles' Choir" high above the stage of Vienna Konzerthaus' Great Hall, or the organ lofts in MIR's churches.

    Enjoy MIR 3D!

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Hi Dietz

    Thank you so much for your reply, and for your hard work with MIR Pro 3D!

    The release of 3D coincided (by chance) with my decision to add an 7.1.4 setup to my studio. I chose this setup because of client demands basically, but I'm very very excited to get into it, and the release of MIR 3D just increased my excitement by 10x!

    I'm not done with the setup quite yet, should be next week or so, but to be able to start implementing MIR 3D in my workflow from the get go is just a dream.

    I'm not sure exactly what I can expect here. I guess in my dreams, I'm envisioning being able to think of myself as the microphone, and then pan the instruments around me in 3D space with MIR.
    In that sense, having the height information mainly as a panner is not a problem at all for me, but it would be absolutely awesome to have this feature with a keyboard modifier. The user experience would be so much better, at least in this particular case.
    I understand your point though, you don't want people to think the height information is "as real" as the 2D positioning.

    Maybe it could be added as an option (tick box for allowing height adjustments with Cmnd-drag)? 

  • Hi Rasmus, I'll put your suggestions on the list, but please don't read this as a promise that it _will_ be implemented. :-) Thanks for your understanding!

    Have a great time with MIR 3D, and with 3D audio in general. It's like switching from black-and-white to colour TV. 8-)


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library