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  • Safest way to update to MIR Pro 3D?

    Hi all!

    I'm in the middle of mixing an album using only VSL libraries and MIR Pro. Since the 3D version appeared I've been following this forum to get as much information as possible regarding the update process and old project compatibility.

    My mix project is a stereo one on latest Pro Tools Studio over macOS Big Sur. The project contains rendered wav files from every individual instrument in the orchestra imported on individual tracks (totaling around 80 stereo tracks, plus aux send&returns and busses). Each track has a MIR Pro plugin instance to add reverb. In my opinion it is a big project and as you can see, it is highly dependent on MIR Pro.

    So in order to benefit from the intro pricing, I bought the update some days ago. Needless to say, I want to use the new version, but I'm still "scared" about the update process. Given that I've read different update stories with different degree/amount of success/quirks along the way, I would like to ask this:

    - Is there an official update process?

    - Should I first uninstall the legacy version?

    - Should I just install the new version over the previous one?

    - Pro Tools has the "Unused plug-ins" folder. Is it a good idea (or necessary) to move the legacy version to this folder?

    Once solved these questions and updated, I'm also doubtful about the difference in sound that I can expect (without making any changes to settings). Can we, nervous updaters, assume that (once we update to the new version) our old projects will open and sound "the same" if we just open and hit play? (I mean, without changing any parameter in settings).

    And yet another question: what are the differences on CPU impact? Is this new version more CPU hungry? I'm using an 8700K with 32Gb of RAM.

    Sorry for the long post full of questions and fears jeejeej! I can't wait to read your update stories and advice.

    Thanks in advance!

  • The "official" way is to uninstall legacy MIR Pro, install MIR Pro 3D and all RoomPacks in their new 3D version. You don't _have_ to delete the legacy RoomPacks, though, because in case you have any doubts you can still roll back to legacy MIR Pro easily then.

    Moving the old plug-in to the "un-used"-folder is certainly possible, but not advisable, and it doesn't make much sense either, due to the simple fact that you will have to re-install it anyway.

    We have taken every possible measure to make the transition from "old" to "new" MIR is as painless as possible. As long as you don't touch any parameters, the auditive results will be indistinguishable (although not bit-identical). This even lead to the decision that the new plug-in itself is _still_ simply named "Vienna MIR Pro", so you could in fact switch in full swing. :-) 

    The only thing to keep in mind that as soon as you saved a project with MIR 3D, you can't open it any longer with legacy MIR Pro.

    Oh, and if VST is your plug-in format of choice, then please don't forget that "old" MIR was VST2 only, so you will have to install this flavour, too.


    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Dietz, so it is advisable to run the old MIR uninstaller, after having installed the new MIR 3D?


  • Officially it is, yes.

    Unofficially, I tend to just install one over the other (both ways) and make sure the paths to the respective RoomPacks are correct - but please don't try this at home. ;-)

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Dietz said:

    but please don't try this at home. 😉

    Thank you Dietz, I'll be a good boy and remove all the old tempting things.

    I believe that everything has maybe been already cleaned up by the MIR 3D installer. However, I still have a file in the Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components/ folder, that makes me think it is still the old MIR Pro plugin:

    - Vienna MIR Pro.component (version 7.0.474, from a few years ago)

    Is still the old Audio Unit plugin? Has it also been replaced by a new version, so that I can remove this one safely? I can't see other, more recent MIR plugins in the same folder, so I'm a bit confused about the new separate plugin being there or not.

    EDIT: I inserted the Audio Unit "Vienna MIR Pro" plugin in a Logic channel, and it actually added the new plugin, that opened the new Vienna MIR Pro 3D application. So, it seems it is working as it should.


  • Hi all!

    So I finally took the plunge and updated. First I uninstalled legacy Mir Pro, then downloaded & installed the new one. Once it finished, I just opened my Pro Tools project and it opened with an error.

    The problem was the mono-to-stereo version I was using in four tracks: for some reason, Pro Tools said that plugin wasn't available any longer. So I had to reconfigure these four tracks I was using in mono-to-stereo legacy plug-in version by using the new mono-to-stereo plug-in version.

    In the end it was a little annoying having to reconfigure these tracks, so I can't say it has been a painless update, but apart from that, the whole update process has been way easier and quicker than expected.

    Now playing with all the new features... and regarding that: what main mic should we, stereo mixers, choose in order to get out the most in our projects? First guess: Mir 3D downmix?

    In relation to CPU impact, I'm having similar results using Mir 3D downmix as the main mic.

    Can't wait for the tutorial videos, thanks again! 

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    @Another User said:

    Can't wait for the tutorial videos, thanks again!

    VSL's marketing- and support team is totally busy, but they will do their best as always. 😊

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Another User said:

    Yes! But don't be afraid to start with legacy settings if you're more familiar with them. They still sound great, especially in stereo. Take it from there. ;-)

    Ok, will do!

    Thanks again!