I like to start mixing with all the fader at the same position. This is a bit like the blank page, the clean status, the zero point of mixing.
At the same time, Synchron libraries have their 'natural volume' set with the Volume slider of the Synchron Player. Programs like Dorico scramble this value, by resetting all of them to a value of CC7 = 100.
During some experiments with the Volume and Expression sliders set to max, and only the Main L/R mics activated, I've got the impression that having the same settings for these parameters result in a well balanced and natural sound in the final mix.
So, I wonder if having the Volume, Expression and Main L/R sliders all at the same level should, by design, result in the natural volume one would get when recording the orchestra at the same time.
This would let me change the mixing strategy, by not only adjusting the MIDI sliders, but also the microphone levels, to have a coherent set of controls.