I am getting a lot of these happening in a project with the same two or three instruments, though usually only one at a time. It's happening mostly in one section of the piece if I start the transport in the middle of the offending region. Usually starting playback before the region starts does not produce the hanging notes. Other Play instruments (Hollywood Orchestra) also produce the hanging if I move the region over to them. I am using a template that I use for every piece which has all my instruments loaded into VEPro on a PC slave (Windows 7) and running Logic on the Mac. I am still using AU2, switching to AU3 for the affected instruments did nothing.
I have tested this with other Play and Logic instruments loaded directly within Logic and I do not get the hanging. So it seems to be something to do with the interplay of Play, VEPro and Logic. I am running the latest version of VEPro, downgrading to the the previous version did not resolve the issue.
I wonder if anyone could shed any light on why this is happening and hopefully how to fix it? Thanks.