Hi all,
I recently built an 11700 i7 pc and it's wonderful. I can run at 32 samples and load in FX busses in Cubase and it's perfect.
However, I use VEpro7 on a small 8700 i7 and when I use it to send FX from my new pc to the 8700, it gets static and noise. I'm using a gigabit switch and both computers network cards show 1 gb connection. The buffer in the VEpro7 vst is set to 4. Only 2 inputs set. Neither pc cpu are showing anything near a load. But it's def got something to do with the network because like I said, If bus FX internall in cubase on the 11700, i can run tons of effects perfectly even at 32 samples.
But once I send using VEpro7, it's noise.
I would think since VEpro is doing lots of the work, it would lighten the load but I don't believe that's what's even going on. The CPU's are at like 8-15%. It's got to be the network.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.