How does the Great Reiger Organ and the Organ Player work with Sibelius? Can I connect the two and control all paremeters from Sibelius?
Great Rieger Organ & Sibelius
Thanks Andi, is there a manual which shows how the organ player works with sibelius? Does it appear as an 'available device' in playback devices? And does it work with VEP6 or only 7?
Hi Dave!
There is no dedicated manual on how to use the Great Rieger Organ with Sibelius. It should be straight forward though. It does appear as a device in the Sibelius Playback Devices menu and you can also use it inside Vienna Ensemble or Vienna Ensmeble Pro 6 and 7. Here ist the link to the general manual of the Vienna Organ Player
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Thanks Andy, duly purchased.
I can add as many organ players as I like as devices but when I try to insert the organ player into VEPro 6 I get the following error message: "Toolkit: Vienna Organ Player (could not create plugin)"
Hello Dave!
The "toolkit"-version is our internal plugin format. This version can only be opened with Vienna Ensemble (non-Pro) 6 or Vienna Ensemble Pro 7. You should be able to open the normal plugin version of the Vienna Organ Player with Vienna Ensemble Pro 6 though. It is filed under Insert Plugin/VSL.
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -
Hi Andi,
So I have used Vienna ensemble service 6.5.18955 which allows me to load 8 VO players. I have 8 staves in the score and I am trying to link each stave to a seperate VO player. Each VO player is assigned to midi in 1 chanels 1 to 8 and in sibelius mixer each stave is assigned accordingly. When I click the keyboards of each of the VO players I hear the organ. But when I play the 8 staves in sibelius I only hear the 1st stave not the other 7. I also notice that no VO player appears on the MIR stage.
I have a screenshot but cannot paste it into this post as it says I exceed the character limit.
Hi Dave!
I always recommend making channel assignments on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page. In my experience making output and channel assignments in the Sibelius mixer always brings playback problems. So I would reset all output settings in the Sibelius mixer to (Auto). You can send your screenshot to with a reference to this thread.
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -
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