@Dietz said:
If you want to work in stereo only, you'll mainly benefit from the new preset system, improved usability, and of course compatibility with new operating systems, CPUs, and GPUs. If you're working in surround, the sonic advantage will be enormous. If you're working in 3D, then there's no comparison anyway.
Hi Dietz,
Does it mean that there won't be sonic improvements when working in stereo?
π ... I _knew_ that I would read this question the very moment I clicked "Post" after I wrote the message above. I should have worded my reply more thoughtfully anyway, so here it goes:
- There will be MINOR improvements (on the edge of audibility) as long as we use Main and Secondary Mic-settings we already had in MIR Pro. In fact, we've spent a considerable amount of development time to ensure that existing MIR Pro-based mixes can be opened in MIR 3D without any major surprises. In other words: I consider this a feature.
- As soon as we make use of the newly introduced features like Higher Order Ambisonics decoding in general, or coefficient-based decoding in particular, there will be significant changes that might also result in sonic improvements when used properly. π However, I myself am still in the early stages with these new possibilities, so I do not yet dare to post any examples.
All the best,