Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Proposed graphics dB Legend for Vol & Expr Faders

    I'm drafting a graphics overlay to be proposed to VSL for the Synchron Player's Performance tab, showing a graphical legend of dB levels for the Volume and Expression faders.

    Any users wishing to get involved in the drafting, please PM me with an email address to which I can send you draft images and anonymous comments from other users involved. Your privacy will be rigorously respected; also you will be required to keep the information received strictly confidential.

    There is no guarantee that the eventual graphics proposal will be accepted at all by VSL - it is of course 100% their own decision to make. Moreover, VSL might opt to implement their own graphics design, which may or may not be based on our proposal - again, that is entirely their right. We'll merely be trying to help them help us.