I have a small technical question about the Synchron Player. I was used to working with VI pro and to switch off VelXF, I turnes off the switch with CC28 to zero. That always worked fine. Now with the Synchron Player, CC28 is still present, but doesn't trigger any viable action: the switch (Vel XF) keeps the previous color (blue) and seems to stay active. When I slide up to 100, nothing visible happens either. Of course one can set the velXF off in edit mode for a certain patch, but that makes the CC28 obsolete and useless in an automation lane. Is there a reason for that odd behaviour? And I noticed also that the VelXF slider keeps moving, although it's switched off by nature in short patches (like spicc, staccatos...) (I wrote an automation line to see what would happen with the VelXF switched off).