I'm using Cubase 11 pro with the synchronized SE volume 1 library.
When I open an instrument it shows the range of the instrument on the keyboard but I notice that when I start playing on my keyboard or add notes via the midi editor, I have to add them an octave lower.
Notice that in the screenshot, the violins range from G3 to A#7 but when I play the G2 note on my keyboard or add the G2 note manually in the midi editor, it plays the same as when I press the G3 note in the synchron player.
I don't think there is a general setting that lowers everything by an octave as it's only the syncrhon player where I see this issue. Other plugins don't have this...
Is there something I am missing here?
The issue is that when I export my midi so I can import it into Dorico, the notes are actually an octave to low and I have to augment them by an octave in order for the score to be accurate but then playback isn't accurate anymore...