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  • the notes of my Bosendorfer Synchon are played a lower tone

    I need help with a midi problem with the Synchron pianos and Samplitude Pro x4.

    Randomly (depending on the session, what I opened before or after), the notes of my Bosendorfer Synchon are played a lower tone (say A instead of B). Then, the notes of my Steinway Synchon are played a tone higher! There is no active transposition function, neither in Samplitude, nor in my my pianos. There is no such thing with the instruments of my Instrument Pro. Any ideas ?

  • Hi Claude (or Claude Marc?),

    I had the same problem in the past with the Yamaha CFX. I have to dig in my memory. I think in my case it had to do with VST3. You could have a look, if you use the VST3 plugin or the VST2 64-bits plugin of Synchron Piano Player. In Samplitude there is a problem with VST3 plugins. Samplitude put the values of all cc's and the Pitch Bend to zero, when you start an existing project. 
    If you are using now the VST3 plugin, you could try to use the VST2 64bits plugin and listen if that solves the problem (I don't know if you use directly the Synchron Piano plugin or the Vienna Ensemble Pro plugin. When you use the Vienna Ensemble Pro plugin and in that instance the Synchron Piano plugin, you have to use the VST2 64 bits version of Vienna Ensemble Pro).

    I hope this is helpful. 

    Good luck!

  • Hi MMKA,

    Very useful! I'm looking at that right now.

    Thank you very much. 

    Claude Marc