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  • Key switch mapping / dimension tree in Studio One

    Hi folks,

    I have been using Synchron Strings Pro for a while now, and while a love the sound (especially now that I upgraded to the full library - yay :) ) there is one thing that keeps bugging me quite a bit: key switches using the dimension tree.

    So first let me say I am using Studio One. This is the DAW I know, and while I hear great things about Cubase's MIDI features I am not looking (hopefully) to switch DAWs. Compared to Cubase, Studio One's key switching is still a bit in the stone ages.. but for most stuff it works.

    However, what it can't do is map the dimension tree of the Synchron Player, as there is just no way to store key switches hierarchically. This lead me to a long journey of trying to find some cross DAW "articulation manager" and while I found several, they all seem to support Cubase or Logic only.

    Of course I could just enter the MIDI note data manually but this is really cumbersome, and creates other discomforts (not being in the correct KS when skipping back and forth, issues with transposing notes, etc).

    The only solution I see at this time is to completely customize the key switches in the player for each instrument. Which is quite some work + the long list of KS slots are going to be 2 pixels high in the Synchron Player when I am done.. (i.e. only using one dimension and not the hierarchical tree structure as per default).

    Could you please explain to me how you are dealing with this in your environment?

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    No one uses key switches? ðŸ˜®ðŸ˜Š

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    Hi Bastiaan,

    One option is to use the "MIDI Dump" button (#4 in the manual) to send all parameters to Studio One whenever you switch.


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hi Bastiaan, 

    One option is to use the "MIDI Dump" button (#4 in the manual) to send all parameters to Studio One whenever you switch. 


    Thanks for your reply Paul. I tried that while recording with the selected track so I would have the midi notes for all slots immediately inside.

    But so far I do not see any data coming in when pressing midi dump. Or is it sent somewhere else other than the track's midi channel?

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    Hi Bastiaan,

    You need to record the MIDI Dump, like other MIDI signals. You can also assign a MIDI CC to the MIDI Dump in your settings!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    As I mentioned above, I do record the instrument. There is just nothing coming in.

    Nevertheless, I solved this by just creating a massive 1-dimentional articulation list, and mapped that to the key switches in Studio One. So far works pretty good!

    Having a vertically positioned monitor helps as well ðŸ˜‰

  • Player And Presonus Studio One Prolific Two Way Communication/302701

    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL