Yah, I tried that several times, didn't work. What DID work eventually, was to keep ripping everything Vienna out of my system and attempt several re installs. I had to also go to prefs and rip things out. Still not sure what other collateral damage was done to VE pro by doing that, we'll see as I access songs. The thrust is, Vienna has the worst, most convoluted installation protocols I have EVER seen. There's various utilities require too much user work. The ONLY thing I want to have to do, is point to WHERE I store the libraries and be done.
Also, there SHOULD be a way to point at the sounds from other locations should the sounds get moved instead of using that TERRIBLE directory manager As of now, I have the OLD V instruments library working, and the new one isn't yet. But I am not messing with it anymore because I need one stupid horn from the original library and I have to finish a project. Once I do, I will again deal with the worst installation and authorization protocols of this company. Once running, VE Pro is a god send. But they need to seriously reconsider their whole installation protocol and make thing user friendly. For example, when uninstalling, I was asked to re enter auth codes, and then told I had already used them. Many users would have stopped there and contacted support for a new code. Fortunately, I told the program Id handling's auth later, only to find out I didn't need them because I was already authorized. Why didn't the installer know this? Because it is a piece of crap. Yet another example of this entire stupid installation protocol where one hand does not know what The other is doing. Want another example?
OK, the dumb installer program refused to finish installing saying the Vienna key program was old, only to force me to quit the installer and lose progress because I could not update the V key program without quiting the other installer. How retarded! Again, this is a company that has a MESS for installation, and the reason to me is most likely years of neglect, patching old installation protocols into each other until one install utility has NO clue what the other part is doing. These installers, to put it very simply..SUCK! I love VE Pro otherwise. Come on guys fix your shit! You cost me 400 today in down time.