MIR is great! However, it does not sound identical to an actual SYNCHRON recording.
What I would like to have is a collection of Impulse Responses ("MIR Studio") with the actual microphones (decca tree, etc.) so that I can have the real Microphone setup that allows me to mix the microphones. My naive assumption is that the IR responses of different microphones can be summed up so that only one impulse response is applied in the end.
I am not a sound engineer, but I assume that Hollywood productions also use absorbers, diffusers, and the like to create drier sounds that are more direct. If this is the case, some of those included as well. Maybe a cooperation with a Hollywood engineer would be a great idea for this (or Jasper Blunk from performance samples, who creates very interesting cinematic sound with a very small number of players).
I imagine that MIR Studio could work differently than the current MIR versions. It wouldn't be possible to move the players around with that level of freedom as it is the case you. You simply choose fixed setups and test which sounds best. Maybe you have images of setups and you click through them and chose microphones or a limited number of positions in the room for each setup.
One could go even further and create impulse responses of old gear to create a vintage sound (e.g., old microphones and console IRs).