Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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184,305 users have contributed to 42,355 threads and 255,302 posts.

In the past 24 hours, we have 1 new thread(s), 3 new post(s) and 47 new user(s).

  • Children Choir would be fantastic! A NEW virtual instrument for the Vienna Symphonic Library Catalog! Finally classical and contemporary musical works could be enhanced with the children voices!

    Thanks for doing it!

  • I'd love a library dedicated to Trills & Tremolos for strings (violins, violas & celli) and high winds (flutes, oboes & clarinets). Up to perfect 5th (perfect 4th for celli), mutes & without, a real pp to mf, ability to control the speed, ability to control the direction (up or down). That would sell like pancakes!

  • Legato performance combos for me. I have the other stuff covered.

  • Legato performance combos. I'm thinking commonly used and good sounding combinations, like violins + flutes, cello + bassoon, etc.

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    Children's Choir 😊

  • I'm voting for Legato Performance Combos. ;-)

  • Legato Performance Combos, is the one that will let us access the next level as we will reach the edges of orthestral music reproduction , thx vsl for letting us be part of the future 🎉

  • String Ostinatos for me. Would love to have a quick go to library that does most of the work writing out a whole section :) String ostinatos String Runs maybe :)

  • Wagner BBrass.Please.

  • Voted!! 

    Legato is the best option. 

  • I would like to see a layered orchestra where short articulations draw in additional instruments depending upon how you hard strike the keys and where you are in the range on the keyboard. For long articulations, the same would occur via either the mod wheel or an expression pedal and where you are in the range on the keyboard. 

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    @145951 said:

    I have the other stuff covered.

    That‘s interesting.

    Since the WT will not make the race ... is there a powerful Wagner Tuba Ensemble you can recommend?

  • I would love a children's choir!

  • A children choir with an extensive word builder would be fantastic.

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    @Red2103 said:

    I would love a children's choir!

    Me too! It would be VSL's first children choir after all those years. I hope it will win. Fingers crossed.

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    Legato Performance Combos 😉

  • Children's choir would be very atmospheric.

  • Childern choir

  • Another vote for Childrens Choir.

  • + 1 for Children Choir