Vienna Symphonic Library Forum
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  • Childrens choir please!

  • Legato Performance Combos :)

    Eric E. Hache
  • I voted for the String Ostinatos!

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    I have been crying and begging for a Boys' Choir on this forum for ten years now.  But I'm wondering how difficult it would it be to get the infamous Vienna Boys' Choir in the studio(s) to record a library?  Of course it doesn't have to be THE Vienna Boys' Choir. I'm sure there are other children's choirs throughout Austria or Europe that are just as beautiful to listen to that would suffice. 

    Notice I said "studio(s)" as it would be just dandy to get a Silent Stage version as well. Please! Please! Please! Santa Herb😊

  • While I would love a children's choir, I don't want it in BBO. I want a full children's choir library, and a complete rework of the current choir library, modernized for contemporary composition, while still maintaining the necessities for classic works. I am confident VSL can smash the other choir libraries if they put their mind to it, and I envision something like Dimension Strings / Brass but with choirs. The kind of legato that is offered in something like Fluffy audio's Dominus Choir Pro while offering the epic sound option in something like 8dio insolidus or Oceania would be great. I just don't see a childrens choir in BBO getting the attention it really deserves in a BBO product.

    They may not be appropriate for BBO, but I want points for creativity.

    Pipe Organ (how this was not included in one of the libraries already is beyond me, pipe organs are epic)

    Bagpipes (both Irish and Scottish variety please)



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    @littlewierdo said:

    ...Pipe Organ (how this was not included in one of the libraries already is beyond me, pipe organs are epic)

    Do you know the Konzerthaus Organ?
    This is a wonderful instrument with many possibilities, from very soft to gloriously loud.

  • I vote for Children Choir

  • Children's choir!

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    @littlewierdo said:

    Bagpipes (both Irish and Scottish variety please)



    Absolutely! Or Uillean pipes. As I said, there are many instruments which haven't been recorded (at the Silent Stage) yet. Would be nice if VSL expands the catalogue.

  • Children's Choir would be great!

  • Children choir would be great!

  • I also voted for the Children's Choir!  My second choice would have to be the string legatos.

  • Children Choir would be great!

  • I vote for children's choir. A "full" library (Synchron Stage and/or Silent Stage)  would be nice (I would buy it too :-) )

  • A children's choir, BUT, with a robust language engine. I don't know why it seems that no one has an engine that allows for making complete words, including ending consonants.

  • Legato performance would be great. Creating legato articulation patch require techniques and skills for a natural yet smooth sounding. It will be great to focus deeply on legato in solos and ensembles of strings, brass and woodwind. Can't wait for it!!

  • I vote for the Children Choir : it would be a fully new and interesting sound that would add a lot of character.

  • Having seemed to have covered all aspects of a main orchestra in BBO, it would seem the most obvious choice to add a Children's  choir!  Be interesting to see what wins?  

  • I vote for String ostinato patterns as it takes time to make them realistic my self . Capricorn part two(more patterns)  would be awesome as well  and some  ethnic voices would be very usful .  

    Thank you for asking 

  • Yeah I vote also for a marvellous Children Choir!