I'm testing the Synchronized SE expression maps (vol 1-7) for Dorico (thanks VSL and Steinberg!) and I'm having a few questions about articulations.
For testing purpose I wrote the first bars of the Main Title of Star Wars.
On the Trombone 1 part, the chosen articulations by the expression maps are not the ones that I would like: they're too long.
Files for the example can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pqbktykbg2u8aof/AADo4jB5XUFV6gqgH7FP_Hsla
Non modified score:
- Score.jpg: the original score
- Dorico - Play.jpg: notice the "natural" playing techniques: it doesn't sound quite great on 32th notes
- Audio - VSL.mp3: audio rendering using VSL Synchronized SE expression maps
- Audio - NP.mp3: for reference: audio rendering using another VI
Modified score:
- Score - VSL modified.jpeg: added staccato on 32th notes and extend marcato range to a group of notes
- Dorico - Play - VSL modified.jpeg: you can see playing techniques modifications
- Audio - VSL modified.mp3: audio rendering using VSL Synchronized SE expression maps
Is this a good way to go or do you have any tips to do it better?
Thank you for your answers!