Thanks for the responses. I think that works. I was opening just the instrument in MOTU's DP rather than the ensemble.
I must say that the sound of the samples is glorious, spectacular. However, it also must be said that the implementation seems off the mark for an organ library (see the Hauptwerk Virtual Library for an effective, though a bit brutish version). It feels like it was forced into the VSL interface design rather than having been aligned to the way an organ is organized and functions. Organ layout is all about choosing and layering sounds easily and quickly. If you could select multiple samples in the grid it would be helpful. The mod wheel or key switches could change the registration of the swell, great or pedal or other manuals. But modern organs have dozens of buttons, for fingers and toes to switch quickly and all that is perfect for a VSL organ template.
Oh well, thanks for the tip on how to achieve this, it works well (although it'll take a while to get comfortable with it). And indeed, it is a true pleasure to play, the samples are just beautiful! It really should be part of every orchestrators kit. Nothing more glorious than an organ to reinforce a majestic theme or to create a fragile moment of beauty!