Hi GP1,
Where to start? 😊
Our Big Bang Orchestra, like all SYNCHRON SERIES products, was recorded with multiple mics at our Synchron Stage Vienna. Our goal is to capture the rawness and full range of a full-on orchestra, now even expanding with sections (choirs and brass are available now).
Via those multiple mics, you can sculpt your sound in many ways, like being in the control room of an up-to-date scoring stage. We're pouring in all our experience from our ongoing score-recordings, capturing the sound that is used in modern scoring productions.
Our Vienna Instruments product line, incliuding the Special Editions, were recorded in a dry ambience (the Silent Stage) and are available as stereo files. In the case of our SYNCHRON-ized product line, those samples (originally recorded for the VI Player) are now available in the Synchron Player, re-edited and perfectly placed @Synchron Stage Vienna, with the help of impulse responses.
Hope that helps!