Sorry I couldn't find the answer on the forum. I sure tried.
Anyway, I use Windows 10 and VI Pro (latest), VE (latest). Everything worked until I moved everything over to a new computer. I probably don't know the order of things to do and hope someone can set me right. Here's what I did:
Copied the folder that contains all the instrument data files to a similar folder on the new computer, and used the Directory Manager to point to that folder. It shows all the instruments there properly. But when I start Vienna Instruments Pro, no instruments are found. I see no presets, matrix, or patches.
I thought I might have to reinstall the libraries, so I downloaded them fresh and tried to install. The installer said I would have to provide the registration codes for the libraries, but when I tried, it would not run (I did find the answer to that bug on the forum), so I entered the code directly in the license manager. But then it reported that the license has already been used. It does not seem to find the information in the manager itself. But if you open the license manager, I see the licenses listed there.
This sure may not be the clearest post you've ever read, but I think you see how confused I am. I thought that after moving the files, pointing to them in the directory manager, and plugging in the dongle everything would work. What am I doing wrong, or not doing at all?
Many thanks. Hope to get back to work with this soon as possible.