@William said:
... Congratulations, VSL! ...
And congratulations, William! This annoying experience shows apart from the quality of VSL, also your quality as a very good performer of sampled music.
I remember that you had the same kind of experience about 1 or 2 years ago. Then you published a performance of Beethoven 5, first movement, with the Synchron Strings 1. I tried to find that version on the internet, but I didn't find it. Did you delete it? I think it was on Youtube. When it should be possible, I should like to compare the 2 versions.
In the meantime we are privileged people to be able to work with so great, beautiful and extensive library and all the tools with it to make music at such a high level. And we can share it with other lovers of this kind of stuff.
I'm grateful for that. Just a personal feeling.