Hi everyone,
I would like to know something more about Windows Defender (Win10Pro) from people more experienced than me.
In the last months the Synchron Player in Cubase 10 crashed all the time, no matter what I tried.
This was a pity for me, because I love Synchron Strings and Percussion.
Yesterday I tried to make an exclusion in Windows Defender for my VSL folder and magically everything was ok :-)
So my question is: was that simply a lucky day or this could be a possible solution?
About Windows Defender
Hi nicola74,
Good to hear that it's working now. Did you send those crash dumps to support@vsl.co.at? That would be a good way to find out if this is related. But from what you are saying, it definitely sounds like it!
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support