Hi there,
I don't know if you actually need a gigabit switch or not but in my experience it works better with a switch than direct ethernet cable connection. Plus you only need a small one and they are very affordable these days.
Definitely get a few Cat 6 if not Cat 7 ethenet cables. - I experienced a NOTICEABLE difference from CAT 5.
You should not need a gigabit router or a any router really. If you follow the instructions in the first thread you should be all set. Hang in there and be very thorough - It's about getting all those settings correct and restarting a lot and it will work...eventually!
Yes, you can use wifi on the master setup. You simply add an ethernet connection in system prefs and set service order.
If you really can't get it set up, I can help. felixbird.at.gmail.com
@Joey Alarcon said:
Hi, would really appreciate some insight here - I'm planning to connect a mac mini late 2012 as the master and a mac pro late 2009 as the slave.
For connecting: Do I need a
Gigabit Switch? If so, which one??? Type gigabit switch into amazon....
Gigabit Router? See above....
Or simply, a Cat6 "Gigabit" cable? Are all cat6 cables "Gigabit", and does "crossover" matter?
Can I still use wifi on the master and slave for basic web browsing?
Is there a video walkthrough of someone setting up the static IP addresses? In system preferences, I configured the ethernet hardware to manual, speed to 1000baseT, but am unsure of the optimal settings for the Duplex/MTU/ABV/EAV Mode settings.
Is there anyone who does private consults on these setups? I'd be happy to pay someone for a brief phone consult. Thanks so much!