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    @Betuel said:

    Yes please, would love some presets from the professionals. Synchronized series is great but I would love to see this provided for Mir Pro 😊

    MIR Pro has a Synchron venue available. We're talking about MIRx here...

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
  • Hi Bill, I am aware :) I did say presets. But I suspect it won't be for some time while they're synchronizing. But I hope I'm wrong.

  • I have only just started using MIR Pro, and have also only just discovered MIRx and what it can do. I was excited to read that it would do automatically exactly what I have been struggling to do for the past few days. So I excitedly rushed to enable MIRx for my Vienna Instruments so they would fit and match with my Synchron libraries. I was left scratching my head as I could not find the Synchron Stage MIRx preset. I wondered if I not installed the presets correctly, so went looking for it in my downloads section. Nothing.

    I'm disappointed to find out this is not available yet. But am glad to hear it is, at least, on your "to do" list.

    I'd like to add my voice to those asking for this to be available sooner, rather than later.

    Thank you.

  • I think some people are confused at what MIR Pro and Mirx are...

    MIR Pro is the completely flexible and fully customizable convolution reverb engine, which allows placement of instruments in a drag and drop style UI that displays the venue in a graphical type representation of said venue. Six rommpacks are available seperately from the engine (the engine itself does nothing without one of the six roompacks). MIR Pro 24 is a less expensive version of the engine that is limited to 24 channels, but otherwise, is the same as MIR Pro feature wise. MIR Pro and MIR Pro 24 are available inside Ensemble or as a VST3 plugin.

    MIRx is a significantly less expensive option without the fiddly-bits that MIR Pro offers. Unlike MIR Pro, only 5 venues are available (as opposed to 6 for MIR Pro) and it has a very limited feature set, namely, MIRx ONLY works with Vienna sounds and only offers a few preset locations for an instrument. MIRx is only accessible inside Vienna Instruments when viewing the window in Advanced mode under the reverb tab. Some might argue (including me) that the major advantage of MIRx over MIR Pro is its ease of use (enable it and it just works) and of course its price vs MIR Pro.

    MIRx is around $100 per venue (with a total of 5 venues) and MIR Pro venues are between $100-$200ish a piece, and the engine is about $300 for the 24 channel and $650 for the unlimited channel version.

    Hopefully this helps, as I was reading through the thread and people are using MIR and MIRx interchangeably, and they are sort of related, but two completely different products.

    My hope is that the MIRx venues I have purchased do not have to be purchased again for use with Synchron, that would make me sad...

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    Thanks for the great review! 😊

    Just a little addendum, to avoid any confusion:

    @Another User said:

    My hope is that the MIRx venues I have purchased do not have to be purchased again for use with Synchron, that would make me sad...

    All MIRx settings I ever created were given to MIR Pro users for free (... about 2,000 individual, hand-treated presets, one might add!). This will be the case, too, as soon as MIRx Synchron Stage gets released. 

    🎁 🎉

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Yea, I should have clarified, venues is a loosely defined term haha.

    Id love an upgrade path from MIRx to MIR Pro, considering I have purchased (nearly) all the MIRx venues (I plan to purchase the remaining two I do not yet have later this week). I only recently decided to start looking into MIR Pro (a few days ago) as my long time feeling was that while the flexibility of MIR Pro was fantastic, it far exceeded my meager needs. However, I was not aware that MIR Pro contained a hybrid reverb plugin (I think you call it MIRacles?). Sadly, it only gets a brief mention at the end of the last video for MIR Pro and gets a one line mention right in the middle of the product features, where in my view, gets lost among MIR Pro's myriad of other features.

    Based on what I can tell, MIRacles seems to be a somewhat limited version of the same reverb plugin provided in Vienna Suite Pro, probably closer to its cheaper alternative, Vienna Suite's hybrid reverb plugin.

    I really like the hybrid reverb that is in Vienna Suite / Vienna Suite Pro, but I found two big things that very much disappointed me about it. First, the limited number of presets in the EQ settings, particularly for percussion, which in my opinion, needs more sweetening than any other instrument Vienna sells (the Vienna percussion sounds flat, not very dynamic, no oomph or pizzazz). Secondly, I was disappointed at the complete lack of integration in Vienna Ensemble. It appears MIR Pro is completely integrated into Ensemble, but Vienna Suite is nowhere to be found, and I cant stand how much of a pain in the ass it is to add FX plugins in Cubase (Im really big into creating tracks quickly and getting to the writing as quickly as possible).

    Looking at MIR Pro, it looks like it offers the flexibility but is deeply integrated into Ensemble and has ample presets with enough integration to automatically assign those presets, provided it is being used with Vienna sounds.

    Perhaps, those that have purchased MIRx complete can get either MIR Pro 24 at a steeply discounted price or a venue of their choosing with the purchase of MIR Pro 24 / MIR Pro? I was also unaware that MIRx was free for purchased venues, otherwise, I would have bought MIR Pro venues instead for the option of upgrading to MIR Pro...

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    @littlewierdo said:

    [...] I was also unaware that MIRx was free for purchased venues, otherwise, I would have bought MIR Pro venues instead for the option of upgrading to MIR Pro...

    Actually, the settings I created for MIRx come free with the respective MIR Pro Venue (in "MIRx Mode"). You don't get MIRx (the product) per se.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
  • Ahh, ok, I dont feel so bad having MIRx then. Its nice to pick a venue and without any fiddling (Im not a very good violin player), it just sounds good. Thinking Ill pick up a MIR Pro demo license when I know Ill have some time to play with it.

    Right now, I need to see if I can figure out how to get Vienna Suite integrated into Ensemble, rather than my DAW, before the demo license expires, otherwise, I might be sending the support staff an email in the future for help on how to do this and obtaining another 30 day trial license if possible. I really think Id like to buy it but I want the routing and hosting done in Ensemble...

  • Any update on a MIRx Synchron venue? Which of the existing venues would match the best?

    Dorico, Notion, Sibelius, StudioOne, Cubase, Staffpad VE Pro, Synchon, VI, Kontakt Win11 x64, 64GB RAM, Focusrite Scarlett 18i20, August Forster 190
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    @Bill said:

    Any update on a MIRx Synchron venue? Which of the existing venues would match the best?

    This place is the one were you would read the news first. 😊 Right now, there's nothing to tell in this regard, sorry to say so.

    I would suggest to use the MIRx settings I created for Teldex Berlin right now. The sound is not the same, but at least it's a scoring stage rather than a concert venue.

    Kind regards,

    /Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library
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    @Bill said:

    Any update on a MIRx Synchron venue? Which of the existing venues would match the best?

    This place is the one were you would read the news first. 😊 Right now, there's nothing to tell in this regard, sorry to say so.

    I would suggest to use the MIRx settings I created for Teldex Berlin right now. The sound is not the same, but at least it's a scoring stage rather than a concert venue.

    Kind regards,

    any plan to make MIRx violin 2 position preset like in Synchron Strings ?

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    @Bill said:

    Any update on a MIRx Synchron venue? Which of the existing venues would match the best?

    This place is the one were you would read the news first. 😊 Right now, there's nothing to tell in this regard, sorry to say so.

    I would suggest to use the MIRx settings I created for Teldex Berlin right now. The sound is not the same, but at least it's a scoring stage rather than a concert venue.

    Too bad 😞

    I have a few single instruments along with VI-SE. Obviously I (and many others like me) who have cross-graded to SYNCHRON-ized SE would love to hear their "old" single instruments together in the Synchron Stage.

    As a hobbyist MIR PRO is simply too expensive. I'm not complaining about the price as such for MIR PRO. Given the features it is fair.

    I'm willing to spend money on MIRx Synchron but I won't buy all VI instruments again SYNCHRON-ized. The reason why I did for VI-SE was the new player and workflow.


  • I'm also desperately waiting for a Synchron MIRx version (for MIR Pro)... :(

    But I came to another idea: VSL could make a VE Pro template (similar to the old one Herb did for Teldex) for the MIR Pro users, including the right pannings, EQ, busses etc. They did all these settings for the SYNCHRON-ized special editions, so I think that every instrument is covered. 

    I love this idea and would even buy such a template!

  • Do you really think, that there will be a Synchron MIRx extension, as long as VSL is able to sell their synchronized stuff?

  • I have a theory of why this would take a long time. Budget would be one, any comany has only a limited budget at any time for a particular task at hand. A person that normally does one thing all of a sudden finds it self doing another task. So they have to say whats important to us now and whats important later. As a company they evolve and learn new aproaches in regards to do things better. So while the are experimenting with synchronizing everything they are also learning to deliver a better MIR-Pro and the much loved MIRx. I'm sure when they update MIR we will have something really cool to play with!



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    @Bill said:

    I'm surprised this is such a low priority....

    Dietz must be prioritizing his paying gigs. 😉

    But for what it is worth, I also am very excited to have a MIRx for Synchron.

    Me too.  Can't wait!

  • Not gonna lie. I can't wait for this either. For the love of god release this soon. I've been struggling with the new Synchron player. I love the new Synchron sound, but can't stand the new player. Crashes all the time. Have tried 3 different computers with no luck. VI Pro is on another level. Rock solid and easy on the cpu.

    Love your stuff VSL, and will most possibly purchase the Cube. But god damn, that Synchron player is the devil, lol.

  • Any recent news about when MIRx Synchron Stage extension will be available? And, please, don't tell me that using Teldex is close enough :)

    Personally I'm quite interested on its release.

    Although I don't have anything against Synchron Player, the familiarity with VI and VI Pro makes me reluctant to consider the investment of going to the Synchron-ized versions of the instruments I already own.

    That said, I still enjoy a lot more the versatility of  the silent stage sampled instruments, allowing to merge nicely with whatever is required. Compared with the more recent libraries from other brands, I still found VSL "old" instruments to be more credible and, even better, not forcing the composer to a specific route because of the way the virtual instrument performs.

    I'll be a happy man when MIRx Synchron Stage extension is released.

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    @Guin said:

    I'll be a happy man when MIRx Synchron Stage extension is released.

    Happy man 😊

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    Good timing there 🍸

    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL