Edit - Newer version found here: Changed the font in the video, removed the last quote, and used the full audio of the jet flyover. Musically, I changed a note that the woodwinds were playing that clashed with the brass very briefly, during the second verse, tweaked the snare drum roll that starts the key change (as I recall, or it might have been just before this, anyway, the attack didnt sound right), and added the Taiko drum that Vienna included with Epic Orchestra 2.0 to some key places to really add impact to some key places. Also, the audio has lowered about 2 db as it was clipping just a tad in the original version (not noticeable unless viewing the actual waveform). The music has been normalized, the jet audio normalized, and the overall volume levels are now where they should be.
This is an arrangement of Amazing Grace, that Ive been working on the past few weeks (in honor of the psuedo 9/11 holiday coming up here in the states). It uses mostly Vienna special edition, but I had to go outside this library for a few sounds that Vienna doesnt have, for example, wood blocks (I had to use Cinesamples percussion for this, all other percussion is from Vienna Special Edition). I also used Cinematic Studio Strings in lieu of Special Edition 3, because I can shorten the attack time, which I was never able to figure out how to do with the SE 3 collection. Probably about 70-80% of this is Vienna Special Edition, which I think makes it worthy of posting here.
Anyway, this is work I am REALLY proud of, by far, my best work. I can hear a few things that could be better, but hey, the way I figure, only I can hear those things considering I lived with this arrangement for the past month. The general public probably wont hear anything wrong...
Linked below is the old version...