Hi Andi
OK thanks. So I need VE Pro 7 to do what exactly? - just to send the MIDI commands to disable channels? Disabling "manually" seems to work OK with the normal VE.
Also can you explain exactly why the CPU activity is still so high even when most of the channels are not in use in Sibelius? That was never the case for VI - I was able to set up dozens of instruments on the off-chance that I might need one and the only overhead was the loading time when I first launched Sibelius. But with Synchron, that approach no longer works and it is going to force a whole new way of working.
So I'd like to know exactly why this is the case. It seems to me that it's a bug! - and if it's a bug, then hopefully you might fix it, which would make it easier for me to justify spending a lot of effort setting up a Synchron-based setup.
But if it is some weird technical restriction of the Synchron engine - that the mere fact of loading an instrument into a channel makes the CPU usage go through the roof even if most of the instruments are not being used - then I think I might stick with VI at least for now. So far, I haven't exactly been overwhelmed by any increase in the quality of the output compared with VI.