@Paul said:
Hi Pixelpoet,
Here you go: As mentioned, we have scrutinized Dimensio Strings during the re-editing of the whole material.
One important task was an enhancement with a releasse sample technology for fp, sfz, sffz and legato repetition Patches.
We also optimized the Performance Legatos and Performance Portamentos, along with quite some minor fixes and enhancements.
With this library update for VI Dimension Strings, all existing users also get the benefits we added for all SYNCHRON-ized users.
Hi Paul,
I have some questions on these:
1) On the SYNCHRON-ized page of the library it says that the enhanced release technology is special to the Synchron Player. Thus, I think that this enhacement isn't available for the VI library, right?
2) In the SYNCHRON-ized library all articulations are balanced. Is this true for the VI library?