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  • I'm pleased that VE Pro developement is moving ahead, but I'm really struggling to justify doing this upgrade.

    I have plenty of workhorse eq / comp etc plugins so have no use for your new included ones. I already paid for Epic Orchestra in a previous VE Pro purchase. My old license allowed my to install on 2 machines (obviously the whole point of VE Pro, no? ), whereas now I have to pay for 2 licenses. So I am basically shelling out €120 so my instances can be diplayed down the left and for some minor under the hood refinements. I've been a loyal VE Pro user for many many years, and for a product that retails at €196 I feel like I'm being ripped off.

    Do I need to upgrade to VE Pro 7 on both master and slave, or can I run 6 on my master and 7 on my slave?

  • I would have to agree with the above sentiment as I'm also struggling with justifying this upgrade. I'm in a similar position to previous posters having been a VSL user since the earliest days. I have no need for additional plugins, do not need or want the Epic Orchestra and built my setup around 3 machines as that had seemed a very fairly priced setup with VEPRO and for a long time the intent behind using it most efficiently. I used to be a working composer but are no longer, now only composing ocassionally and for personal projects.  

    Now to pay 165 Euros to upgrade what I had before seems excessive and I'm not really sure of the great benefit,  (they seems to be relatively incremental and GUI based?)  especially given the issues that are being reported with many cases here. I'm sure that these early hiccups will be ironed out and I also realise a company can charge whatever they feel appropriate for their product and its up to a user to decide if its worth upgrading / supporting further development. But to be honest this has left a bad taste in my mouth and is making me question whether this is the most efficient way for me to setup my studio given that this high upgrade pricing is now I suspect going to be the norm going forward.

    Although I'm confident it's not the intent of VSL I too feel like I'm being ripped off a little here. At a time when just about all of my other music software providers, including Steinberg for my DAW are offering increasing value this seems like a large decrease in value exploiting mainly VEPRO's lack of competition. I know other alternatives are far less efficient and I have used most of them over the years but if this is going to be the cost of continuing to stay with VSL then it may be time to explore other options. Alternatively of course I could take a punt on this and see if it feels worth the price, can't decide at this point and I believe today is the last day of the upgrade pricing so may take the easy option and pass for now. 

    This is intended as honest feedback for a company I have had a lot of respect for and spent a lot of money with over the years. I just think it would be easy to assume that anyone not posting on forums, like myself till now, are happily upgrading and feel like valued customers who are receiving good value. Whilst this may be the case, it might also not be so I felt it more useful to offer honest feedback than just not purchase and not comment. 

  • Hello,

    Thanks for your contributions!

    I understand that this change in license policy causes different reactions. 
    We have just extended our introductory offer to the 23rd of May, to give you the opportunity to check out VE Pro 7 with a demo license. If you need more demo licenses than one, please contact us via

    @hazza: It is not possible to connect VE Pro 6 and VE Pro 7, it is either-or on the whole network. 

    The discussion about our upgrade policy is also the companion of every upgrade we release for VE Pro, naturally. 
    And it is totally understandable that some of you will stick with the working setup they have - and why not? VE Pro 5 and 6 are "fully grown" software products, with many tweaks and fixes over many years.  

    The overall development over the last years has made computers considerably faster and more powerful, and many (new) users are working on a one-computer setup (and of course they are happy about this change, but wouldn't burn their fingers posting in our forum).


    Let me share my personal view, after quite some discussions, both with our team and our customers: 

    We are putting  a lot of time and effort into the development, maintenance and support of Vienna Ensemble Pro, and of course our goal is to make this software accessible to as many people as possible.

    We are adapting to the special approaches of the various DAW developers (with different plug-ins formats and configuration approaches, not to mention engines) and OS developers constantly, and spelling "cross-platform" is way easier than actually providing a reliable solution for everyone. It is a very dynamic situation to be compatible with all available DAWs out there and that's probably one of the reason why we are indeed lacking competition. We are not only lucky that we can offer a product that is the industry-standard, and our whole team us working hard for it.

    All in all, upgrading is of course a personal decision, and nobody is forced to upgrade to VE Pro 7 right now, just because it is there (although the new features ARE compelling).

    We're excited to see where Vienna Ensemble Pro is heading and we're looking forward to have you on board, whenever it is the right time for you to join!


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thank you for taking the time to respond in such a constructive way Paul. I do appreciate it must be frustrating answering the same complaint repeatedly, especially when you and the team obviously put a lot of time and effort into continuing to try and push the product forward as well as maintaining compatibility and bug fixing with all the challenges inherent therein. 

    Your reply was useful as I had forgotten about the free demo option and had not seen the extension to the into offers. So I think I should certainly at least try the new version so I can make an informed decision as to whether the upgrade is worth it for me. I will drop an email to try more than one licence. 

    Do you happen to know if VEPRO instances created in VEPRO 7 will open in v6 in case I decide not to upgrade and roll back? I assume v6 and 7 can co-exist on the system together but all instances that communicate with each other have to be the same version. 

    Thanks again for the reply

  • Hi Mark, 

    Thanks for your friendly reply. 

    VE Pro 7 projects will not open in VE Pro 6, so I'd really only run test-projects with those demo licenses (or make sure to create new projects with VE Pro 7, so you have a backup-option). 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi Paul


    Posting this again, hoping you'll respond this time. 


    Kontakt looks very buggy in VEP 7, image attached. 


  • This is an issue with Kontakt.
    In you screenshot I can see that your instance is not connected. As soon as you connect the instance in your DAW, the GUI will get normal and responsive again.

    Best, Ben

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • I installed the newest version of VE Pro 7 7.0.807 in Cubase Pro 10.0.20. I had to disable the AsioGuard to be able load VE Pro 7 at all, but loading VI Pro 2.4.17960 became painfully slow. Going back to VI Pro 6 made everything go swift again. So, I'll stay with v 6 for now at least. I'm using Windows 8.1.

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    @Paul said:

    Hello Chan Kwok Leung, 

    This should be solved with the latest version of Vienna Ensemble Pro


    Hello Paul,


    Just to let you know that I am still encountering the Bonjour-error-message on VE Pro 7 build 7.0.807. The message goes away and VE Pro starts normally when I click 'ok'. But still it pops up every time I'm starting VE Pro.


    Just get the same issue as Chan described it, any chance to get rid of this message?

  • Hi

    Thanks for the last update of VE Pro 7 and the new icons for the Synchron Player and the Synchron Pianos. That's very cool.



  • I want to roll back to VE PRO 7.0.851 (because the last version frequently unexpectedly freezes (rotating cursor) on closing projects - where I can download the previous version for macOS?

  • On the Download page there is a filter "Downloads Archive" that shows older versions when activated.

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
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    @everen said:


    Congratulations for VEP7.

    There is only one thing that will make me very-very happy with it.

    I appreciate the new automation setup, but there is only  the"disable" function. It would be great if there is also the ENABLE function, so i can load my huge metaframe with no patch loaded (saving load time and ram) and then enable only the VEP7 tracks ...

    The disable parameter works as a toggle, so you can save the instance with everything turned off from the DAW and once in there automate on, by track or by instance. For certain off is activated by value = 0 and on by value = 1 (100%).

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    @Paul said:

    Hello Chan Kwok Leung, 

    This should be solved with the latest version of Vienna Ensemble Pro


    Hello Paul,


    Just to let you know that I am still encountering the Bonjour-error-message on VE Pro 7 build 7.0.807. The message goes away and VE Pro starts normally when I click 'ok'. But still it pops up every time I'm starting VE Pro.


    Just get the same issue as Chan described it, any chance to get rid of this message?


    Any news about that? still annoying...

  • Hi whitealbum, 

    No news there, and it happens on none of our computers... Which OS are you working on, which version?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hello,

    There used to be VE6, VEP6, but there doesn't seem to be any Vienna Ensemble 7 (not Pro).
    That's a shame, because it was easy to use in my DAW. I could create several instances within VE6, and open several different instances of VE6 in the same DAW project.

    With VEP7, I need to open a VEP Server instance outside of my DAW and connect any number of VEP7 instances as plugins inside my DAW.
    But as you can open only one VEP Server program, it needs to contain a huge number of instances and instruments if I want to have, say Strings + Woodwinds + Brass + etc.

    I created various templates for VEP Server, but I cannot anticipate every need I may have depending on the projects, and I don't want to have to load the full template if I don't need it, because it takes time to load and above all, it takes ressources.
    Or is there another way to deal with this?
    Also, I don't use a separate computer, it's all done locally, within one desktop computer. So the notion of a Server version of the program seems a bit meaningless, even though it's a great program.


  • How do I know if I qualify for the upgrade to Pro 7 that includes Orchestra 2.0? I currently use Vienna Ensemble 6. Also, I don't understand first and second licenses? Are second licenses for multiple computer on network or multiple computers not connected to network?

    Also, I don't know how to post a new thread and I'm sorry if this is not the correct method of getting help.


    Thank you.


  • Hi David,

    if you own VEP6 you will get the Epic Orchestra 2 for free with your first license.

    For the use of VEP7 on 2 or more slaves you will need an additional license. You will get the additional licenses for less then the first. Just take a look at the VEP7 page, it should show you your personal upgrade prices correctly.
    If you want to use VEP on a slave computer but on the DAW computer you don't run any VEP instances you will just need one license (the connector-plugin runs without plugin).

    Best, Ben

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • Hi. I am an uninitiated user for VEP, and I am not understanding the licence requirements.

    I have one primary computer with my DAW, and a second computer on which I want to store and access additional Kontakt libraries (via VEP).

    So, the problem is that some things I read seem to say I only need one licence, and the VEP isn't required on the DAW computer? Or will I need to run VEP on both computers?

    Sorry, I just do not know how the version 7 is set up to work.

    Also, is it possible to purchase VEP6 instead? Or would a VEP7 license allow VEP6 to work on more than one computer?


  • Also, does VEP7 come with the elicencer?