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  • In that example I was using logicpro and 100 no nonnsynth tracks I would expect it to be. The same project in cubase is running the cpu cores all into the red 95%, and it’s not a heavy processing project. The main point is that the vep gui is adding 10-20% of cpu usage when it’s showing, even when not playing anything. I don’t think that is normal or acceptable.

  • Hi,

    I was wondering if there is a way to force all channels of all instances as DISABLED when opening/loading a VEP7 project.

    Thank you

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    @Dewdman42 said:

    In that example I was using logicpro and 100 no nonnsynth tracks I would expect it to be. The same project in cubase is running the cpu cores all into the red 95%, and it’s not a heavy processing project. The main point is that the vep gui is adding 10-20% of cpu usage when it’s showing, even when not playing anything. I don’t think that is normal or acceptable.

    Yep, I agree and I think that the latest DAW and Plugin updates are way too GPU intensive. Needlessly intensive, as in without benefit but for more complex color gradients in the UI. Especially any complex metering within plugins such as Waves' Emo D5 Compressor that causes observable usage spikes on my RX-580 card. I've often wondered about limiting the color gamut when using a DAW. Certainly the (thousands) web safe color scheme would be enough for everything. DAWs and VIs don't need to tax the GPU as if it were DaVinci Resolve.

    Can you tried running the Synchron Pianos on a slave machine?

    FWIW, I've never gotten audio sends/returns to work for a remote FX box. I think the only reason my Pro Tools is stable and still has just over 3ms of roundtrip latency is that the omly plugins I'm using are 3 instances of VEP7.

    For this I blame Avid: The Adobe of the recording world. My machine is a Z370/i7 8700K (6-cores) at 4.8GHz, 64GB RAM, 6 internal SATA SSDs, a 500GB PCIe M2 SSD just for samples, an dGPU AMD RX-580 with 8GB GDRAM, Thunderbolt UAD Apollo 8 Quad: Geek Bench score of 6335 and 28325. Cinebench CPU score of 1457, MP ratio: 7.11x

    What I've figured is this, and it drove an extra upgrade decision: If you have one or more machines that capable and available to use as slaves, an extra VEP7 license is way cheaper than building, let alone buying a new monster PC or Mac.

  • On my PC (Windows 10), VEP 7 keeps crashing and crashing and crashing when trying to open older server projects from VEP 6. No crash dumps are being created either. Even when simply creating and importing saved instances, it's crashing. Seems very buggy for an initial release. VEP 6 was a lot more stable on initial release. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing VEP 7 and the same things keep happening frustratingly.

    Opening projects and saving projects appears to be a lot slower than VEP 6 too.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated,

  • Hi Audio Birdi, 

    That's irritating, I agree. 

    Which plug-ins are you using in your setup? Are they all up to date?

    Would you like to send us such projects to check on our systems?


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Hi there Paul,

    Will send across an e-mail containing my test projects. I'd already sent an e-mail to support with a seperate crash issue so didn't want to bombard you all with multiple e-mails. 

    I'm using the following on each channel in each instance to stay consistent.

    EastWest PLAY 6 (I've added the bass drum from Hollywood Orchestral Percussion to as a test)
    Blue Cat Gain 3 (Stereo to Stereo)
    Blue Cat Gain 3 (Stereo to Stereo)
    Blue Cat Gain 3 (Stereo to Stereo)
    Loudmax (Stereo to Stereo)
    Waves Scheps Omni Channel (Stereo to Stereo)
    Hornet Tape (Stereo to Stereo)
    Loudmax (Stereo to Stereo)

    This is my chain for each channel within each instance.

    I've put 100 insances / channels in the project to test.

    I've also been trying to slim down my instances with 32 channels per instance. But I can't complete it as a test because VEP 7 keeps crashing.

    VEP 6 doesn't crash when loading the 32 channel per instance project.

    Thanks in advance for all the help!

  • I have sent a support ticket a few days ago. I have problems why VEP  plugin (the usual one not the AU3) does not read automation names properely. Still no reply from VSL although it was a preorder....

  • I have sent a support ticket a few days ago. I have problems why VEP  plugin (the usual one not the AU3) does not read automation names properely. Still no reply from VSL although it was a preorder....

  • Hi Adia, 

    Pretty busy times here right now, please tell me the case #. 

    Please bear in mind: We have to investigate a few bugs before we can answer in a meaningful way. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    Thank you so much,

    it is 298183 and 298184


    @Paul said:

    Hi Adia, 

    Pretty busy times here right now, please tell me the case #. 

    Please bear in mind: We have to investigate a few bugs before we can answer in a meaningful way. 


  • I have an odd issue here, but wondered if others have the same thing. When disabling an instance or even a channel, if you save the project and open it again. It forgets and removes all the plugin automation parameters when instances / channels are still disabled on open. Has this happened to others too?

    It worked for a little while when re-opening projects. currently it just removes all automation mapping when things are disabled.

    I had this in VEP 6 too when disabling channels, keeping them disabled and opening them after creating a template. It wiped all the automation mapping.

  • I have experienced one of those kaboom app crashes when disabling a channel. 7.0.1056 on Win 10 64.
    Is this kind of issue still persisting for others?
