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  • Been testing with Cubase 10 now.  using exactly the same midi file and VEP frame as I was using to test with LogicPro.

    Overall CPU usage on this machine is WAY higher with Cubase then with Logic.  LIke Double.  That being said, playback was flawless, not any dropped notes or noteOff, hanging notes, etc.. as is the case when using LPX and multiport macro.

    Quite impressed with the playback under Cubase, but as I said, CPU usage is hitting 80% using the example ET Score from VST site, from LPX, the same score plays back and rarely goes over 40%.  It could be that Logic is under utliizing the CPU in some way, which is why its getting dropped events.  Not sure.  Just an observation.

    I am definitely noticing that since I updated the VIPro just now, CPU use of VEP is higher when the GUI is active.  I am guessing this is related to to keeping the articulation names updated, but whatever it is, I could live without that if its going to be so expensive on the CPU.

  • Hi, 

    Good points there, let's see what can be done regarding the real-time display. 

    The performance of Cubase under macOS has unfortunately been underwhelming with VE Pro 6 as well. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • well it might be underhwhelming in terms of hitting the CPU hard, but I also have to say it was very smooth and glitch free audio on Cubase..  I think Logic tends to have problems choking on too many midi events, while CPU utilization is still quite low.  

    I just ran the GUI refresh test on LPX also..  I think the GUI updating is adding 10-20% of cpu utilization there as well when the VEP gui window is active.  I really noticed this after I upgrade VIPro to get the articulation names, but I wasn't looking that hard before, its possible the GUI is always adding some CPU usage, which makes sense that it would, but I think 10-20% is far too much for that.  If so we need option to disable those things where are nice to have but not really always neccsaary, like the articulation names or perhaps more places you're updating the CPU usage on each instance, etc.. don't know...  just observations...

  • I use Cubase on Windows 10 and it makes no difference in CPU load here when the VEP window is open on my secondary screen, or when minimized.

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • on the mac I am seeing 10-20% bump in CPU utliziation for both LPX and Cubase when VEP window is open.

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    @Dewdman42 said:

    on the mac I am seeing 10-20% bump in CPU utliziation for both LPX and Cubase when VEP window is open.

    It's quite normal for the system CPU usage to go up when the computer is doing more things (drawing audio meters, updating other GUI parts etc). The VEP CPU meter should stay the same, since it measures realtime thread CPU.

  • Alright, but I'm noticing quite a bigger jump in VEP7 compared to VEP6.  That's all I'm saying.  Plus I don't agree with you that its normal for the GUI to be sucking 20% of cpu just sitting there playing the meters.  If so, there is something that could be done better.

    Enjoy your cpu use!

  • On the mac, it sounds quite normal - if you're displaying a lot of things on screen. Remember that it is only 20% of one core, and in a low priority thread at that.

    Any open plugin GUIs will of course add to the main thread CPU usage as well.

  • I'm looking at 20% increase on the overall computer usage aross 12 cores.its not just 20% bump on one core.  If I open the machine's overall 12 core CPU usage goes up 10-20%,  Hide the gui and and drops back down.

  • That sounds like quite a bit of activity.

    Could you send me a screenshot of your VEPro in action, so I can assess what activity is going on?

  • I am having trouble with my Izotope Ozone 8 plugins. It seems like they crash the initial vst search and all other vst after them becomes "unknown".


    Is this a known bug?

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    @Andreas Waldetoft said:

    I am having trouble with my Izotope Ozone 8 plugins. It seems like they crash the initial vst search and all other vst after them becomes "unknown".

     Is this a known bug?

    Not a known bug. Which operating system are you on, and which exact version of Ozone is this?

  • All iZotope plugins have in my experience two sets of plugin. One does always not load (even in Cubase). But if you look in the FX list, Ozone should be there (just checked it on my system and the plugin works, but is also in the unknown List).

    Ben@VSL | IT & Product Specialist
  • I know that the iZoptope VST plugins can be incredibly slow in scanning - since they appear to completely tear down and setup everything for each channel configuration.

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    @MS said:

    I know that the iZoptope VST plugins can be incredibly slow in scanning - since they appear to completely tear down and setup everything for each channel configuration.


    Izotope Ozone 8.02a which should be newest one.

    It says it is failing the verification and then it just stops and crash. 


    I will put the izotope .dll's in another folder and do a rescan and should be ok. I usually not use them outside the final master and in cubase anyway.

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    @MS said:

    That sounds like quite a bit of activity.

    Could you send me a screenshot of your VEPro in action, so I can assess what activity is going on?

    Will do so today.  Just the ET Tutorial from VSL extra FX plugins (shrug).  But I will make some screenshots today...

  • I loaded the biggest project I have ever made, originally done for VE6 and it loaded perfectly in 7, plays back just as well with that great new feature of being able to instantly see the articulations on the mixer (very useful! - previously they are somewhat "buried" within the VI instances).  Also  the range of new EQ/instrument settings available is great to have.  There is no increase at all in CPU useage on my system.  

  • I had to roll back to 6 due to instability and a bug with automation recall, so I used 7 and 6 side by side as it were. Pretty certain 7 in my use case is more efficient (I was using Nuendo with ASIO Guard at medium, 6 had to go to high. Day before I was still using the Cubase 10 trial.)

  • I'm also seeing the CPU issue when the GUI for an active instance is displayed. I had this issue on 6 as well and opened a ticket (Case 297541) about the problem.

    My steps to reliabliy recreate the issue are below. It makes sense there would be additional CPU usage for drawing the meter but from my observation using the test outline below jumping from ~20% to ~100% showing a single meter seems like something else could be going on as well.

    Launch VE Pro Server 
    1. Create two Instances
    2. Load Instrument in the first instance (I picked the VSL Concert D)
    Launch new project in DAW (I'm using Cubase 10.0.20)
    1. Create a new VEPro Instrument
    2. Create a simple midi part (I wrote in a couple block chords for a 4 bar loop)
    3. Start Playback
    Launch Activity Monitor and find the Vienna Ensemble Pro process
    1. Observe high cpu usage
    2. Go to VE Pro and change the selected instance to the 2nd instance (the one that has no activity)
    3. Go back to Activity monitor and. observe the cpu usage of VE Pro

  • If it's helpful (or for someone to point out that I'm doing something wrong) here is a quick screen recording creating the issue I see. Apoligies in advance for the terrible chord progression