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  • Extra License

    I have 2 computers, 1 is a Mac where I host my DAW and VEP which has a trial license the other is a PC (Slave) which hosts VEP and Sound where I mostly keep my sound plugins.  Am I correct in assuming that I also require a separate license for the Mac?  If so, do I have to buy a second VEP at the discounted price? I would have thought you should be able to just buy extra licenses but cannot find this antwhere on the site.  BTW, VEP works great when you have worked out how to use it.

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    @HART said:

    I have 2 computers, 1 is a Mac where I host my DAW and VEP which has a trial license the other is a PC (Slave) which hosts VEP and Sound where I mostly keep my sound plugins.  Am I correct in assuming that I also require a separate license for the Mac?  If so, do I have to buy a second VEP at the discounted price? I would have thought you should be able to just buy extra licenses but cannot find this antwhere on the site.  BTW, VEP works great when you have worked out how to use it.

    Your question is confusing. Are you saying you have a trial license for VEPro 6 and two computers? One is a server and the other is the client? You only need a license for the computer where you run the server portion of VEPro. Now if you want to run a server instance on both computers you need a license on both and a Vienna Key on both computers. VEPro 6 comes with 3 licenses and VEPro 7 comes stock with just 1 license but you can purchase aditional licenses frm Vienna.


    Either way around you only need to buy one VEPro to run on however many computers you want to run it on.

  • Hi Jack, I have my licenses on a dongle attached to my PC and a demo license in the Mac which hosts my DAW.  Do I need a license on my Mac to communicate to the PC.  The demo license says I have only a few more attempts before the demo expires!  Are you telling me that I only need a dongle plugged into the Mac and the Ensemble Pro  on the PC connected to the dongle with the licence?

  • Hi Hart, 

    You can recharge your demo starts as often as you like within 30 days (click "Maintenance" in the eLicenser Control Center). This is of course also mentioned in the confirmation mail you receive with the demo license. 

    You need 1 license on each computer you want to run a VE Pro SERVER on.

    You do not need a license on your master computer if you ONLY connect to your networked computers (the connecting VE PRO plug-in you insert in your sequencer runs without a license). 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thank you Paul.  When the demo runs out I should still be able to connect to the server, is that right?  In reality  I never needed the demo on my Mac in the first place only on the PC if I read this right.

  • Hi, 

    Yes, if you "only" have a server running on your slave computer (with a license available), that's correct. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thanks Paul. so would that mean I would connect to the server with Ensemble Pro (Not the Server) which seems logical.